The Fight

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Emma's POV: me and Daniel were kissing after I sent jax away and then I transported transported us back to my room and we landed on my bed.

Emma:Daniel I love u

Daniel:I love u to em

I kiss him again and it becomes a very hot make out session.He starts to kiss my lips then my neck then he makes his way back to my lips.Then we remembered that we can't go any further so we stopped.

Emma:Daniel I think we need to stop


Emma:because we can't do this yet we r to young

Daniel:ok only cuz I love u though and I swear u will do anything for u

Emma:yah I know and I love u to know can u sing to me

Daniel:surr...what song


Daniel: OK  OK calm down babe


(They kiss once more than Daniel sings it's always u to emma)

Daniel's POV: me and Emma where having a very hot make out session and I didn't ant it to stop but em wanted me to so I did cuz I will do anything for her then she asked me to sing it's always u to her so I did.

Emma's POV: Daniel sung it's always u to me then we laying down and I heard my dad walk in and he can't see Daniel.

Emma:Daniel my dad

Daniel:oh no....just make me invisible


My dad can't see Daniel so make him invisible to the eye

Daniel:did it work

Emma:yes now be quit

(Mr.alonso knocks on the door

Emma moves to scraping booking table and cast a spell to make it look like she just finished a scrap book)

Emma: who is it

Mr.alonso:its me your father

Emma:ok come in

Mr.alonso:hi em I just wanted to say that I'll b-

(Daniel tickles em but no one can see and she starts laughing)

Mr.alonso:sweetheart r u OK

Emma:(still laughing ) yah I'm fine dad (makes Daniels hands )

Mr.alonos: as I was saying I'll be gone for the weekend will u be OK by yourself

Emma:yah I'll be fine

Mr.alonso:ok but no Daniel coming over here OK

Emma::ok dad but some point u r gonna have to learn to like him u know

Mr.alonso:and why is that

Emma:because I love him and he loves me and why don't u like him anyway

Mr.alonos:because he ....i-

Emma:exactly u don't even no why u had to think

Mr.alonso:yah I do I was gonna say that he is a bad example

Emma:so a bad example is someone that gets a's and b's and that doesn't cheat or lie

Yet u like jax and he gets c's and d's

Mr.alonso:ok I just don't like him I don't why but u cant...u can't stay with him

Emma:yes I can and I will

Mr.alonos:whatever just don't come to me when he leaves u

Emma:don't worry I won't in fact I won't live with u anymore if that's what u what u want I'll just go live with Daniel

Mr.alonso:no no no that's not what I meant stay here live with me

Emma:then learn to like Daniel get to know him


Emma:(crying) thank u now leave

Mr.Alonso:ok by and I'll try

(Mr.alonso leaves)


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