The New Kid

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Jax's POV: I was riding my dirt bike to school then I parked and dirt went every where. Then I got off and saw this really pretty girl. I went and talked to her.

jax: hey my name is Jax

Emma: hi I'm Emma

Emma's POV: so I was talking to andi and Danny then all of a sudden a new boy came up to me and said hi .

Daniel's POV: Me, em, and andi were talking then all of a sudden this new kid came up to em and said hi.

Emma's POV: Emma:my name is Emma

Jax:oh well I'm new here do think that u could show me the principals office .

Emma:sure by Danny see u in first period (kisses Danny's check and gives him a hug)

Let's go Jax

Jax:ok and is that your boyfriend


Jax:(mumbles to him self ) not for long

Emma:I'm sorry did u say something


Emma:ok then let's get to the office

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