Chapter 3

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Taehyung's POV

It wasn't unusual for people to check me out. The quick look down of the eyes, resting just a bit too long either on my face or around my lower area.

But the second most popular guy gawking at you when he himself is checked out by a thousand guys? That's new.
He must not have known that while he was busy staring at me, I could clearly look at him from the large mirror in front of me in the teacher's lounge. So much for him hiding behind a bookshelf.

And maybe the ego boost of him looking at me made my brain cells go crazy enough to wink at said second most popular guy.

Jin's reaction was cute though. His ears turned a pinkish red, his eyes went wide and he quickly turned around.

Sadly, I will never see the reaction again as I had no intention in leading him on. He was not my type.

The day goes by quickly. A school day for me usually consists of sleeping in the classes where the professors are lenient and focus more on lectures. Day dreaming and doodling in the classes where the teachers are strict. Each notebook of mine was a masterpiece. The only class I actually focused on was art class.

I open the door to my small flat and find mother sitting beside the worn out couch, knitting a sweater.

"Taehyung! How was your day?" She says, giving me a wide boxy smile- much similar to mine.

"Fine, mom. You okay?"

Mother nods then looks like she is wondering whether to say something or not. "Sweetie, um...the landlord came again".

I groan. "Why can't the bastard understand that I need time? Its not like money will just fall from the sky to my hands so that I can pay him".

"It won't fall from the sky but it certainly will come if you work for it". Mom mutters.

I roll my eyes.

"I have told you a million times that I am not going to work. What can't you understand about it?"

"What kind of nonsense is that, Taehyung? Where will the money come from? Bills have to be paid, there is the rent. Grocery shopping and god- your whole future in front of you! How long will we live from my sister's money? You very well know she doesn't send it happily. What's going to happen-".

"Well, you should have thought about this before you got in a fucking accident!"
I slam the door shut to my room.

I know I will regret it later but I was tired of hearing the same thing again and again. From either Yoongi or mom.

Did I ever want this? Hell, no.

We used to be a well to do family, even if my mother was the only one working. The thought never occured to me that a day will come where I would have to earn money! I wanted to live my life, go to parties- drink, have fun- go to a good college. I had always thought mom will be there to pay for it.

But fate occurred and God played its own trick.

I go take a quick shower and when I come back I see a text message from BamBam to meet for drinks at seven in the downtown club.

I text back an okay. After the outburst earlier, a drink would really help.

Knowing that life still needs to go on, I step out of my room and go to our small kitchen and even smaller fridge. Mother's neat handwriting on a sticky note had everything I needed to buy for next week's grocery.

Mother was still on the couch. She looks up at me and nods. She was used to my outbursts. I never said sorry.
Why should I? It wasn't my fault that life was cruel.

𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑶𝑭 𝑴𝒀 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻 (Taejin)Where stories live. Discover now