Chapter 8

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Jin's POV

The car door gets pulled open and Taehyung slides in reluctantly, making sure to sit as far away from me as possible. Well, that's good- I wouldn't want James to complain to Mr Kim about giving a boy a ride home and that the boy sat too close. I would certainly get a good lecture for that.

Though Taehyung looks like he can be anywhere else but in this car beside me, there is a hint of relief on his face too. Which is obvious due to the cool air coming from the AC.

I couldn't bear to see him standing out there in the heat with sweat dripping on his face. He was looking around the parking lot constantly- perhaps looking for someone to give him a ride.

I had seen his friend Yoongi in front of the music room which might explain Taehyung's lack of a ride now. If I were him, I would have just booked a cab. But again, I don't think I will ever be in a lack of ride.

I grab a wet tissue from my backpack and offer it to Taehyung. He looks at the tissue as if I just gave him brocolli to eat.

"Its for your sweat. It was hot outside so it's only natural that you would sweat. You can wipe it off with this".

He keeps on staring at me now as if I am the one who is sweating gallons.

"Can you please take it quick? You are stinking!"

He quickly grabs the tissue and starts wiping his face, rolling his eyes before that.

The stinking part was a lie but it at least made him stop staring at me and take the tissue. I wouldn't have minded even if Taehyung smelled of unwashed socks and rotten bananas. It would still be Taehyung.

"Why?" He asks, as soon as he finished drying his face, the tissue clutched in his hand.

"Why, what?"

"Why are you giving me a- never mind that. Why are you dropping me off?"

He pauses in the middle and I assume it's because he doesn't want to say the word "ride". Silly him.

His voice sounds hoarse and water deprived.

I glance at the cool cold coffee in my hands from Starbucks. I never share anything of mine, especially food, with anyone else.

"Because you were standing out there in the heat and I didn't want you dying of a heat stroke. Who am I supposed to stalk if you die?" I answer and giggle when Taehyung rolls his eyes again at my joke.

"Very funny". He remarks and then clears his throat.

Okay, dry throat- proved.

"Here". I say, holding out my cold coffee. 

My darling cold coffee.

Taehyung looks at the coffee and then at me. "I am not going to take that, you drank from it".

Okay, now I was tired of trying to make him comfortable.

I shrug my shoulders and take a sip from the coffee.

Large hands envelop the plastic cup immediately and in a second, the cup is no longer in my hands but instead in Taehyung's.

"Forget this moment ever happened". He says while taking a large sip from the sweet coffee.

I suppress a smile.

My phone lights up from a notification and I look at a message from Jimin. He stays back in school for after school dance classes.

Jimin: Hey, Jinnie

Jimin: Teacher l8. You home?

Me: Nope

𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑶𝑭 𝑴𝒀 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻 (Taejin)Where stories live. Discover now