3. Love at First Bite

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"But before killing them lets scare them a little, that would be fun." this was Earn.
"Yess, that would be fun but first of all let me kill the weapon expert." Lhong says.
"You guys go ahead and do your favorite job." Vachirawit says...

Moonlight coming from the broken windows, there were also lantern in the big hall of the mansion. Ohm and pear ask Fiat for lighter as he is a smoker and lights up the lantern.
Suddenly they all heard a noise like someone is running, the person was so quick that no one was able to se him. All the three Vampires were running across the room with the speed of light making everyone scared and confused. That's when Lhong comes flying and holds Techno's neck, everyone saw Lhong handsome face with red eyes, fangs out with an evil smirk.
Before everyone could process what's going on Lhong rips Techno's heart out and blood starts flowing out of his chest like a stream of water, his heart is in Lhong's hand is still beating. Lhong smells the blood on the heart as if it's a flower and licks it. Techno's lifeless body falls the ground blood still oozing out of his chest making the the floor red..Everyone else screams and runs here and there to save there lives. Ohm runs to the main door just to find it locked and now they all are trapped inside. They all runs to different corners of the mansion. P'dim, Fiat and pear runs to the right side of the hall and Ohm and klui hides in the corner of the hallway. After biting and chewing the heart like a fruit Lhong sucks the remaining blood out from Techno's body.

Win losses his hold on Fong's hand while running and he ends up running to the end of the near second floor's hallway of the big mansion. There was a big window from where big bright moon's light was peeping inside hallway. The weather outside has worsen strong cold winds were blowing with lightning and thundering. Win with tears in his eyes looks at the moon still panting. With a flash of thunder Vachirawit appears behind him with red eyes and fangs out. As he was about to bite Win on neck, suddenly a crow enters from the window cawing loudly which scares Win, he takes a step back fast and steps on Vachirawit's foot bumping into him, Win closes his eyes,turns and hugs him tightly thinking it's Fong. Vachirawit is taken a back from Win's action. Now there's complete silence between them, it's like the the time has taken a pause. Vachirawit's his eyes turns back to normal. His evil face has surprised expressions, there's no smirk just shock on his face. He is just standing straight slowly blinking his eyes. He can feel warmth of Win against his cold body, he gets glimpse of Win's face who's heart was beating so fast that it may cause Vachirawit's dead heart to beat too. Their hugging figure was looking like a cutout on the moon, like two body has become one.

"Fong! I don't wanna die young, i wanna travel the world...if i died who will look after my younger brother, we only got each other. I have promised the orphanage kids that next month on my birthday day i will bring them sweets.*sobs* This Vampires will kill us, what have we done to them. I'm scared! Fong, I wanna go back home. I don't wanna die! Plz do something, get us out of here *sobs* "  Win crys. Vachirawit is is just listening to him with no expressions.
"Why are you silent, say something, Fong" Win adds.
Vachirawit takes a step back. Win unwraps his hands, slowly rises his head and his eyes widen in shock as he sees the vampire. Win also starts taking his step back
"Whooo aa-re y-ou?!" Win asks shattering "Ple-ase do-on't don't co-me near mee."
Win keeps moving back not sensing the window
"!Wait!" Vachirawit trys to stop him  but that just make Win to cry more and take long steps
"What did I do to you?! Plz let me go." Win continues to sob. Vachirawit takes a step toward Win trys to talk "I-I-" but he is not able to say anything. Win takes one more step back, losses his balance and falls down from window of 2nd floor but like a flash of light Vachirawit jumps and holds him... Both of them are falling on the ground, that's when their eyes met, the tears in Win eyes were shining like stars, his white skin was glowing in the moonlight, his eyes, cheeks,nose are all red cause of crying but still he looks beautiful. As the fell on the ground from the window, Win losses his consciousness and Vachirawit looks at the innocent and fragile person in his arms look, unknowingly his lips curved in a small smile.

To Be Continued...

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