9. Still2gether (Last chapter)

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( Previously in You are My Vampire, Win broke heart of Vachirawit. Thiwat told story of cursed Suho in which Win willingly became vampire and suho became human)

"But Win said he turned SuHo back to a vampire as he refuses to tell him about the  curse of vampirism." - Vachirawit

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, if he wants to be a human coz he felt guilty, then why did he turn SuHo into a vampire." - Thiwat

Both of them are thinking hard

"No, he is lying to us. He doesn't wanna be human, he wants to destroy the cure of vampirism so that he can rule over everyone."

After what Thiwat said, Vachirawit thinks for a while.

Vachirawit- "Let's go and find..."

" The cure"???  Thiwat interrupts

"No, Win"

"He is more powerful than us, we can't withstand him." -Thiwat

Vachirawit- "I'm not talking about this vampire, I am talking about my Win"

"What do you mean?"

"The vampire who killed everyone was not my Win, and I knew it from the very beginning. There is love, innocence, kindness in my Win's eyes. I know it's just 3 days since I met but it seems like I know him for centuries. When Win's around the vibes that I did not feel those vibes in presence of that vampire. That vampire has confidence in his powers, he doesn't know the power of love... My Win must be here somewhere in this mansion, my heart is telling me."

Thiwat- "Clapping - Your love is so pure....but Wait, if you knew it wasn't Win then why were you upset.

" To make him believe that I am not suspicious about him."

"Smart boy, now let's see where's your Win."

They were searching for Win everywhere and now they are in the basement, they hear so noise from the coffin where Thiwat was kept. Vachirawit open's the coffin to find Win there tied up, struggling to get free.
"WIN! Don't worry sweetheart I am here," Vachirawit said untieing Win as Win got he immediately wraps his arms around Vachirawit tightly and starts sobbing. Vachirawit tries to calm him down by rubbing his back.
"Calm down baby, I am here. I won't let anything to you. I'll not leave you alone at any cost, I promise." Vachirawit gently kisses Win's forehead patting his head
"Any bad has to pass-through me before it reaches you."
Win feels secure in Vachirawit's arms. He raises his head, looks at Vachirawit who gives him an assuring smile.
Thiwat has been witnessing all this. He takes Win and Vachirawit's hand and clasps them together "I, Thiwat Kanawut vows that if I truly loved Tharn, if our love was pure. Thn Until I make sure that you two are happy 2gether, safe from all the dangers, No Power can put an end to my life."
With his all powers Thiwat opens(breaks to be exact) doors and windows which were locked.
There was a sudden change in weather, strong winds start to blow
"Vachirawit, Win get out of this mansion as soon as possible."

"But what about you?" Win asked concerned

"I can't let him destroy the cure, you hurry up and just leave."

They both run towards the main door with hands in hand. But as they were about to step out The Vampire Win appears there..
"Hello love birdiess..."

"Who are you? What's your name?"
Vachirawit asks him

"Drake, my name is Drake. When I saw Win in the forest, I realise that we look identical and this made entering this mansion easy for me. After you guys had sex and win talked with Lhong then when he came downstairs I kidnapped him and tied him up and took his place."

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