8. Dark Night

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(Previously on You are My Vampire, Win killed Lhong, pdim, klui, and pear, Vachirawit was shocked)

It seems likes humanity and holiness has lost in the darkness of night as win transforms into a devil from an angle. The scene was horrifying. Tears filled Vachirawit's eyes.
Fong's eyes widen in shock, there we lifeless bodies of his friends lying on the floor.

Win wipes off Lhong's blood from his face putting the stake in the side pocket.

"Hello, Boyfriend! Vampires get scared too...(laughs) shocked?" Win laughs evilly
"To be honest, I was exhausted playing all lovey-dovey. And on the top of it, I did it with you....shiaaaaa...... What all things I had to do just to make you weak."

"Who are you? And why are you doing all this?" Vachirawit asks in a hurtful voice

"What do you think? (raises an eyebrow) can't you see or you can't accept the truth... Okay then let me tell you."

"Better tell us the truth or else..." Before Thiwat could complete his sentence Win grabs him by his neck
"Or else what? What will you do huh? I'm 100x more powerful, I'm older than you.  You can't defeat me." Win smashes Thiwat on the wall.

"Ages ago, There was forest like this and one vampire convinced me to be a vampire, he killed me to get rid of a curse. He turned me into a vampire and himself into a human."

"What! I don't believe this, how can someone turn back into a human?" Vachirawit ask confused

"Ask Thiwat if you don't believe in me am i Right??  Thiw-Aatt."

Thiwat just nods

"The one who turned me into a vampire was cursed. The curse was, if he turned someone who is willing to be a vampire, only then he can be a human.

"And why did you want to be a vampire?" Vachirawit asks again

"It's fun to be powerful, to dominate others, to kill. Willing I became a vampire and he turned into a human. I roamed around the forest and nearby area killing people, quenching my thirst. Over the years I killed many innocent people, I felt guilty. I ask that person to turn me back into a human but he said its impossible. He also mentioned a mansion in a forest and the cure." Win explains

"Cure?" Thiwat questions
Vachirawit and Fong are trying to digest the information.

"Ya, cure, the cure for Vampirism, if you get that cure you can turn back into a human. I asked him where's that place, he didn't tell me anything about it. So I bite him and turn him back into a vampire(laughs evilly) hahaha... But he escaped from me and hide somewhere. And from that day onwards I'm searching for him. I heard about  vampires living in this mansion, that's why I'm here to get the cure for vampirism." Win said

"This is insane, you just toyed with my feelings, broke my trust" Vachirawit felt heartbroken.

Thiwat tries to comfort him

"Love, Trust, friend are a person's weaknesses and we should not pamper our weakness. Don't just give your heart, learn to take advantage of it." Win said with a smirk.

Fong asked shattering "Why didn't you killed me?"

"Cause you are gonna help me, come with me."
Win forcefully takes Fong with him.

Vachirawit was giving Thiwat a questioning look and Thiwat was trying to read his face.

"Who was he talking about? Who's that vampire?"

"This can't be true and if he is telling the truth if the person he is talking about and I'm thinking of is the same then...." Thiwat takes a pause his eyes widened in horror "No, this is impossible!" He exclaims

"Who is the person you are talking about?"

"I am talking about the most powerful of all the vampires, he is a vampire yet kind like a kid, good looking Saint vampire, we only have heard about him. The oldest, greatest vampire...


"Eunwoo, people to call him 'Su Ho'. I have heard that He was in love with a girl named Lim Ju Kyung. When she came to know about Su Ho being a vampire even though he never did anything wrong, she got mad at him. Su Ho told her about the cure and that he can become a human and then they can live a normal life. But she was so mad at him that, she cursed him that he can turn into a human only if a human wanna be a vampire willingly, as she thought that no one would wanna be a vampire willingly. But this guy Win...cause of him Su Ho freed from the curse. But this psycho win again turned him.. How tragic!

Vachirawit-Ohhh... "That means he can harm Fong too"

To Be Continued...

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