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I walked out of the courtroom quickly, starting to walk towards the elevator.

"Hey- wait! Kyoko!" Makoto called after me, causing me to press the elevator button more.

He ran around the corner, tripping over himself.

"Careful." I say, instinctively turning around and reaching out. I guess I just got so used to helping him...

"Did I say something?" There were tears streaming down Makoto's cheeks.

I didn't respond, turning back to the elevator. I blinked rapidly.

"I- uh, am busy." 

"Doing what?" Makoto asked. I walked onto the elevator. Makoto walked on after me.

"I'm doing... stuff."

"Kyoko, I've known you for a week or two, I know the days you get off work. Sunday is one of those days."

"Why go on a date?" I ask.

"Well... you did kiss me before... were you just giving me false hope? Were you-" His voice broke. "Playing me?"

I turned to him and grabbed his face gently, kissing him. We didn't have much of a height difference, thankfully.

I pulled away, starting to cry, "Makoto..."

"Kyoko?" He asked, hugging me.

"I'm so sorry..." I whisper. "It's just... I've never been in a relationship. And- and I..."

I looked at Makoto, wiping my eyes and nodding.

"I would be a terrible date."

"No you wouldn't. Anything is better than prison."

I wiped my eyes again, nodding. He reached out, gently touching my hand.

"Don't worry Kyoko, everything will be fine."


I wore a cute but not fancy purple dress. Simple and sweet. I left my hair in its normal down position and braid and walked out of my house, walking to the place Makoto had said the ate was taking place.

I walked in the restaurant, going up to the waitress at the front.

"Table for two?" I ask.

"Under what name?"

"Either Kirigiri or Naegi."

"Ah, Mr Naegi is waiting just over there."

She pointed to a table, where Makoto sat. He wore a simple but formal outfit.

I sat across from him, and his nervous look faded into a bright smile.

"Kyoko!" He smiled.

"Hey Makoto." I smiled back.

"Can I get you two something to drink?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have a water." I say.

"Sprite for me please!" Makoto smiled.

The waiter nodded and left.

"So... tell me some stuff about you. I feel like you know everything about me." Makoto laughed.

"Maybe because I do." I nod. "My entire family has been detectives, and my dad didn't want to be a detective. He decided to take over the school. Unfortunately, the school had... well, it had an explosion. And my dad died in the explosion. Or a shooting. It's quite difficult to know which one when all that remains is his skeleton."

"Kyoko... may I see your hands?"

I showed him mu gloved hands. I'm not stupid, I know what he meant.

"Without the gloves?" He asked. 

"The only people I can show my hands to... are my family. Would you like to sign up?" 

"Yeah!- Wait... uh no uh uh uh not yet?" He stuttered.

I chuckled and began taking off my gloves, "The explosion is also how I earned myself these scars."

I showed him my hands, closing my eyes.

"Oh, Kyoko, I'm so sorry." Makoto got up and hugged me the best he could.

"It's quite alright Makoto. My father was not the father of the year, that's for sure."

I put my gloves back on, shifting. 

"After that... I continued on with my detective work. I met Byakuya, who had a hell of a life as well, and we became... co-workers. We've never been good friends."

"Have you dealt with other murders before mine? Or... Mukuro's?" He asked. The waiters brought our drinks and asked for our orders.

"I'll take a burger."

"Chicken nuggies!" Makoto said. 

The waiter nodded again and left.

"I... have come in contact with dead bodies for quite some time now..." I say as a response, slow as I careful word my words.

"Why would you ever touch a dead body though?!"

"When you see something strange, don't you think It's a good idea to check it in detail?"

"Not really, no."

"Hm... interesting. Must be a me thing then."

Makoto chuckled.


After dinner Makoto dropped me off at my house.

"Bye Kyoko. Maybe we can do this again sometime?" 

"Yeah." I smiled. "Maybe."

He hugged me tightly, kissing me softly.

I kissed him back, holding the kiss for a brief moment then pulling away.

"Goodbye Makoto."


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