Barry got a File to go undercover as Sebastian Smythe a rude, snarky gay slut. But what happens if the Warblers and New Directions are Central City for a 10 year Runnion.
*Barry's POV* I was in my lab doing some tests on a report that Singh wants me to do when there was suddenly a knock on the lab door. "Come in?" I say finishing up with the case.
Eric Davison came in and say on my desk, "Singh wants you to come to his office to speak with you in private, I'm not sure what he needs with you." And with that Eric got up and exited my lab.
I quickly finish up the file and clean up my lab and walked down to Singh's office, once I got there I knock on the door. A few minutes later I hear a voice that says "come in".
I quickly get in and Singh gets up from his chair and sits down on his desk. "Allen first of all don't worry about the file that I need from you, ok. Now the reason I needed you here is because there's a report of people at Dalton Academy dying from a drug overdose. And since you're the only one that looks young enough to pull that off, I'm going to need you to go under cover as Sebastian Smythe."
I'm shocked that Singh wants me to go under cover, but what shocks me even more that I have to pretend to be the son of my famous rich ass uncle. That I haven't been able to visit. "O-ok I-I do it."
Singh nods and gets up from his desk and grabs a file and gives it to me. "That's everything about Sebastian Smythe, he's cocky, a slut, asshole, gay, dick that no one likes."
Name: Sebastian Alexander Smythe
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Family: Anthony Smythe (Father) Angela Smythe (Mother)
Sexuality: Gay
School: Dalton Academy
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Birth place: England, United Kingdom
Currently resides: Paris, France
Gender: Male
"Captain, you're making me go undercover as the son of my uncle that I've been trying to get in contact with him and I was born in England but I can hide my accent and I'm 100% gay. Is this a fucking coincidence?"
I ask shocked, Capitan looks at me in confusion before it clicks in his mind, "Wait, wait, wait, you're the nephew of a famous billionaire who is a medical trama surgeon (I'm watching Chicago Med and Grey's Anatomy) and a states attorney."
I nod and walk out the door to go start this mission, wish me luck.