How they met you(baby/child; goodbye despair)

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Whiteboard sketches are by me and a friend
I will now use slashes for couples(and ofc I'll notify if otherwise) and i'm not using all v2 characters

Edit: added ages so you wouldn't get confused

Hajime/Nagito(9 months):

They found you in an alleyway. Nagito saw you. And took you to Hajime. Who sighed and held you while Nagito's luck managed to have the things to care for you.


Gundham's bear found you. Sonia was called by them. And she picked you up. And Gundham was silently cursing the people who abandoned you. Since Sonia loved you she asked Gundham if they could keep you. And he nodded. And the devas immediately got comfortable.

Mikan/Ibuki(new born):

Mikan was nursing someone who was pregnant. After giving the person their child. They said she could keep you. Mikan declined at first. But the person soon told them that they couldn't keep you due to unsupportive parents since they were a teenager. So Mikan finally said ok. And took you home after work and began to take care of you. Ibuki saw you and absolutely adored you.


Uh how do I summarize it. You're biological to them.


Imposter was hoping to adopt a child or two. Teruteru joined in to. So while they were looking at who to adopt, Imposter found you. They picked you up and absolutely adored you. Teruteru found your sibling(Y/S for key). So they adopted you and Y/S.

Kazuichi met your Older sibling(O/S) at a meet and greet. And took him to you. He picked you up and adored you. He took O/S's hand. Nekomaru saw you, O/S and Kazuichi and questioned him. Kazuichi told him that O/S and you were orphaned and that he wanted to be your dad. Nekomaru agreed and picked up O/S who giggled.

V3 is next:)

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