How they met you, (baby/child;v3)

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Art by me! Will involve ocs depending on who your parent is. Some ocs come way later in the book. Goes for v1-v3

Y/N: your name
S/n: sibling name
Y/p- your pronouns
Y/s- your sibling
S/p- sibling pronouns
O/s- older sibling

Kirumi(5 months):
Was asked to adopt you. So she complied.

Saw you orphaned so Gonta happily kept you as theirs.

Miu saw you and your 4 year old sibling on the floor near a piano. S/P was making something for your piano. And you were happily playing it. Kaede saw you and Y/S and wanted to keep you both. Miu agreed.

Kokichi saw you orphaned and picked you up. Rantaro saw you hungry so he made something for you. You claimed them as your parents. Kokichi loved it and Rantaro only smiled and pat your head. He was also very protective. You have yet to meet their 7 month old son.

Kaito was willing to adopt since your baby sister, Kamiko always wanted a older sibling. So Maki went to the orphanage and found you. And took you home with her and you met Kaito and your younger sister.

Shuichi/keebo(5 months):
Shuichi saw you and your younger and small friend who could never make any eye contact besides with you. He picked both of you up. He named your now younger brother Seiichi and you Y/N. Keebo adored you both and snuggled you both till you both fell asleep.

May I mention keebo is adorable-

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