They helped him go to his dream place, so are they also the reason why he goes missing? Just because they helped?
(To those who saw the pov on Tiktok, yes, it's a trailer now ✌)
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Jungkook sighs as he opened the dorm door. He got in, seeing his hyungs, all laid down on different places. "You guys looked so exhausted, where were all been?" Jungkook asks, startling them all. They all sat up, staring at him. "Oh, we cleaned the whole house!" Jin says, scratching his nape. The others agreed, giving Jungkook smiles. "Oh, that explains it" Jungkook says, putting down his bag and sitting down. "Was school exhausting?" Hoseok asks as Jungkook fans himself.
"Sch--yeah...yeah, it was" Jungkook says, chuckling. He did attend class, but he wasn't exhausted by that, he was exhausted with his job. "Well, then, let's all go to bed early. Did you guys eat dinner?" Jimin says, eyes widened. "Wait, I thought you guys were all together?" Jungkook asks and the others shakes their heads. "No, we were, Jimin must've been so tired that he doesn't know what he's talking about" Namjoon says and Jimin nods, chuckling awkwardly. "Hmm" Jungkook hums, nodding.
This goes on for a week, they're always home, exhausted and sleepy. Their bodies hurts so much, but they're okay with that, at least the effort and results will be with them seeing their maknae happy.
Jungkook got inside the house, seeing his hyungs, having a big smile on their faces. He frowns, walking to them and he's pulled down to sit down. "Jungkook, we got a surprise for you" Jin says, smirking. Jungkook stared at them, raising his brow. He then felt something being slapped on his head, making him look back. His eyes widened, what is that Jin holding? A ticket? He gasps, grabbing it and seeing that it was a ticket to his dream place. "We worked hard for that" Yoongi says, chuckling. Jungkook squeals, hugging them all, but with a groan as their bodies hurt.
"Sorry! But thank you so much, hyungs! I love you all so much, this is... I love it!"
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