They helped him go to his dream place, so are they also the reason why he goes missing? Just because they helped?
(To those who saw the pov on Tiktok, yes, it's a trailer now ✌)
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"She didn't cheat! It was your own child!" Jin continúes before hearing Jungkook whimper. "Shh, shh... " Jin says as he carefully picks Jungkook up. "Help him! Help him! You fuckers!" Mr Jeon says as he yelled at his men. "No need to, we can take care of him ourselves" Yoongi says and they all got out rushingly.
"How is he, doctor?" Jin asks, biting his bottom lip. "He's in a critical condition, he had lost too much blood. Is there anyone who can donate some?" The doctor asks, looking around. "B-but we don't have someone who have the same blood type as him(lets just imagine😭🤚)" Hoseok says, voice laced with worry. "We also don't have this blood type in the hospital" The doctor says. "Please check mine!" A voice says out for the blue, making all of them to look back. They're met with Mr Jeon, who had his arm up. "Okay, please follow me" The doctor says and Mr Jeon nods, following him.
"Are we okay with him being here?" Yoongi asks, while Jin sighs. "If him and Jungkook have the same blood type, he can save him. I don't know what to feel, but it's for Jungkook's safety" Jin says and the others agreed.
After getting his blood checked, Mr Jeon immediately donated some and it's now being transferred to Jungkook. He looks to his side and stared at his son, sighing. "I'm sorry... Hyejin, I'm so sorry... " He says as he looks up. "I hurt our son, you must be mad at me now" He says, sighing again. Looking back at Jungkook's face, which was covered with an oxygen mask, he bit his bottom lip. "I should've checked first... " He says, groaning. Hearing Jungkook whimper, he got worried until one nurse noticed this and caresses Jungkook's head, making him a bit relaxed.
"Jungkook ah... "
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