WAY 15

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Mr Jeon took the chance of the others not being there to go to Jungkook's room

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Mr Jeon took the chance of the others not being there to go to Jungkook's room. He walks in and stared at his child, who's unconscious, wires connected to him. He might've saved him, but he's also the one who almost killed him. He sighs, walking close and grabbing his hand carefully, caressing it with his thumb.
"You... Hana, I'm sorry" He says, sorry to Jungkook's mother for doing what he had did.
"I regret everything I did to you... " He says as he stared at Jungkook's face.
"I just hate how your mother took money from me... And I thought she was cheating on me because of how she's acting. I treated her right, everything she wanted, I do it. Then I find out she got pregnant, and after that she runs away. I was hurt, and the reason I thought she ran away is because the baby she's carrying is not mine... " He says, sighing as he now sat down..

"Maybe you'll be okay now if I leave, I won't show my face to you anymore. Afterall, I'm the one who almost killed you, your own father. Hate me all you want... It's okay, you have the reason to" Mr Jeon says as he carefully puts Jungkook's hand down. He stood up, about to leave when he hears something.
"D-d-don't go-go" He heard, looking back and is met with Jungkook. His eyes opened slightly and his hand weakly trying to reach for him. He stared at him before slowly walking back. Jungkook stared at him, blinking slowly as he weakly smiled.
"I f-finally f-f-found y-y-you..." Jungkook says, Mr Jeon giving him water. He helped him drink it and took it away after.

"I'm so sorry... You can hit me if you want, curse me out, anything you wanna do to get back at me for hurting you"

 You can hit me if you want, curse me out, anything you wanna do to get back at me for hurting you"

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