Chapter 13: GoodNight

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I sat at the table and they stared at me awkwardly. I began eating the meat in silence as well as everyone else. They probably do think of me differently. "Jackie, I think we should take about your scars." Zayn spoke up. "I don't want to though." I mumbled. "It's for the best, we want to know what caused you to do it." Niall said. "Didn't Anne tell you already?" I said. "No, she only told us you didn't speak.. That's pretty much it." Louis said.

I took a deep breath. "I-I-" "I'll tell them." Harry said putting his hand mine. I was glad he spoke up, I don't want to cry again today. To much crying. I sat quietly while Harry explained the stuff. I blocked it out and just pretended that I was listening to music in my room as a little girl.


I flopped down on my bed and turned my music on. Today was a rough day at school again today, Liam was home sick. Nobody was there to stick up for me. I sniffled, I hated bullies so so much. "Hey, why don't you turn that down. I'm trying to talk to dad." Jason said sternly with the phone is in hand. "Fine, but can I use the phone when your done?" I asked turning it off. "No. I'm calling my girlfriend after." He said walking out of the room.

"After that?" I asked. He turned around. "No you little shit, go back to school where I don't have to see your face." He slammed the door behind him. I buried my face in my pillow, why did he always have to be so rude to me. I haven't don't anything wrong, unless you count being born. They don't want me, they never will. I screamed in my pillow then put the music back on. I ran to my closet and dragged out my suitcase. I threw whatever I needed in the suitcase and zipped it up.

I shut off the music and walked out of my room. Down the stairs and out the doors. Jason wouldn't notice, he never does. I walked down the street, down past the Robinson's and to Liam's. I did our secret knock. "Jackie? Sorry I didn't come today, I had a fever- why are you crying?" Liam asked giving me a hug. "L-Liam, can I stay here tonight." I sniffled. He let me in. "Of course! Sleepover!" He screamed.


I opened my eyes. The boys stared at me blankly while Harry rubbed my hand. Liam started talking, "Jackie-." "Please, just don't talk about it.. Please." My voice cracked. We ate in silence for the rest of the meal, until Harry finally spoke up. "No, just no. Today was supposed to be a happy day, not the worst day of your life." Harry said to me. "It wasn't the-." I started. "You know what I mean Jackie, I mean. Louis, Zayn, & Liam invite your girlfriends over. We're going to change this day to fun." Harry said excitedly.

I got scared when he said girlfriends, Liam's gonna bring Dani. She might be really mad. "But-" "No 'Buts'!" Harry shushed me. The boys got up and washed there dishes. I sat there, and thought. Dani will be really mad, and she might fight me again. Then Liam will get mad, and I don't want him to be mad. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Niall. I smiled, "Hey." I whispered.

"Have you made a decision yet?" He asked. "I think so.." I said getting up, and smiling. "What?! What is it?!" He said jumping up and down. "Yes." I whispered. "Yes?" He asked shocked. I nodded. "YES!!!! YESSS!!" He yelled picking me up and spinning me around. "LADS, SHE'S STAYING! JACKIE'S STAYING!!!" He yelled some more. I just laughed. He carried me to the boys and started jumping again.

The boys gave us a weird look. Harry's face went the way it did earlier in the car. "Are you two-.." Harry said slowly. Me and Niall looked at each other. Niall put me down and wrapped his hands around my waist. He kissed my cheek. "Yep." I smiled trying to hold in the laughter. They all looked at us blankly, Harry looked like he was gonna explode. I looked up at Niall and our smiles grew. We started cracking up, we fell to the floor laughing.

"Did. You. See. Their. Faces. ?" Niall said between laughs. I couldn't stop laughing, so I just nodded. "Harry. Was. Gonna. Kill. Me." Niall laughed. Harry got red. "So this was just a joke right?" He said awkwardly. After me and Niall calmed down, he helped me up. "No, it's true." Niall said. I put my head down trying to hide my face. "HA. HA." Harry said. "Ok, fine. Jackie's just staying with us." Niall said.

The room filled with WHAT'S? & HURRAYS. Harry grabbed me from Niall, "Good." He said. "Harry please. It's not like you two are dating or anything..." Louis laughed. The boys started making kissy faces and noises at us. I moved away from Harry. "I'm out!" I said walking away, I didn't want to get caught in this. Even though I kinda enjoyed it, it was still embarrassing. I walked into my room and got out my phone.

Twitter. Should I, or shouldn't I. I should, just a little peek. I opened up the app, I scrolled through a lot of things, and I mean A LOT! I felt my heart break a little from every tweet of hate. I felt weak, like I couldn't do anything about it. But you know what? I can do something about it. *Might wanna watch out, I'm a feisty one!* I tweeted it. Yeah, yeah, they're not gonna be scared of me. I want to tell them off by being playful..? Did I just question myself? Ugh.

The door opened, Lou. "Did your heart speak yet." I threw a pillow at him. "Shut up Lou." I said, "and no it didn't." "Ok, the girls are here! I want you to meet Eleanor!!" He said excitedly. I got up. "Is Dani here..?" I asked walking with him. "Yeah, and don't worry about it. It's gonna be fine." He said rubbing my back. "Thanks." I hug him from the side. Louis was like the older romodel of a brother that I needed and wanted.

I saw three gorgeous girl in the living room. Dani, and I'm guessing Perrie and Eleanor. "Perrie and Eleanor this is our friend Jackie. Closer to others." He laughed. "And Jackie, this is Zayns girlfriend Perrie, and my girlfriend Eleanor." Louis said pointing. We said our hi's and hello's. "Babe, how come you said girlfriend for me and Perrie and not Jackie. She has to be dating one of them!" I over heard Eleanor whisper to Louis. "She's not dating anyone, not yet anyway." Louis said and winked.

"Let's play TRUTHS!" Harry said. We all spread out across the couches. "I'll start!" Niall said. We played for a while a few for me here and there nothing big. Then it had to be Louis turn. "Jackie, who would you rather date Harry or Liam???" He asked. I'm going beat the crap out of him when this is done. "Uhhh, Liam has a girlfriend soo Harry." I said simply like it was no big deal. The room filled with ooohhsss.

"What if Liam didn't have a girlfriend?" Louis asked. "HEY! HE DOES!" Dani yelled. Liam calmed her down. "Uh, errrr, I guess it would still be Harry. Liam has to regain my trust still." I said quietly. Harry had a huge smile. And the girls were excited. "You guys would make an adorable couple. Jarry! I ship ya!" Perrie said. The boys went in the other room while we had "girl talk". I have to say Dani was actually nice.

"Do you like like like him???" Dani asked. "I don't know, we just met." I shrugged, trying to hide my feelings. "I'm not buying it." Perrie said and the girls agreed. "Ok, fine! He's adorable, and sweet, and charming!" I said laying down. "Awh." They all said in awe. "You guys can't tell anyone right, you and Louis are the only ones who know." I said blushing. "Why would we! Us girls have to stick together!" Eleanor said.

The rest of the night we hung out and just talked. It was fun actually having some girlfriends again. Or for the first time. They left at 12 AM or later. I changed into my pjs and went to look for Louis. They were all in the living room. "Louis, I need to talk to you real quick." I said. Louis got up and walked with me to the kitchen. "Why Lou, why? Do you know how embarrassing that was?!" I whispered yelled. "Sorry, I couldn't help it." He laughed.

"You're gonna get it Mr. Tomlinson." I said walking away. "Goodnight boys." I waved and walked back upstairs. I felt a hand grabbed my arm and whip me around. I felt lips on mine and I immediately knew who it was.. Harry. He pulled away. "Goodnight, love." He said before running off. I walked to my room slowly and laid down on the bed. It didn't take a month or year or week or even a day. It's only took a couple hours.. And I liked it that way.

Did I find out who I wanted..?

Indeed I did!


Authors note!

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Hope you all got what you wanted.. Sorry this isn't a very good chapter. I'll update soon! Oh and thank you for all the votes and reads. Also thanks to my fans! Keep it up!

-Sam (:

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