Chapter 26: Lies

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*1 month later*

It's been great between me and the lads. We've been close. Everything's been great between us. Now, for Alec and I, things didn't go as well. We kept getting in fights over Harry and the boys. How they were gonna hurt me again. I couldn't take it anymore, I left. I'm on a plane right now, back to London. The boys have been there for about 2 weeks.

When I said its going great between us, it is, really. We're not as close as before though. Like me and Louis don't have that special bond anymore like we used to. I don't trust the boys as much as I used to. They keep telling me that I can trust them with anything. But I can't put myself to it. I love the boys, I really do. But again, it's hard after what they did. I forgave them of course.

Ever heard the saying, Forgive and Forget? Well, see with me, I forgive but never forget. I wish I could forget, so we could go back to normal. But I'm afraid we'll never be like that again. I looked out the window trying to block out the nasty remarks about me. There were "directioner twins" sitting in the seats behind me. Of course they weren't afraid of me hearing the crap they were saying. I got out my phone and went on Twitter.

Oh yeah, I got my twitter back.. Yay? The boys wanted me to have one, so here it is. All the hate kept coming too. There was no end to it. The boys said Dani, El, and Perrie got hate at first too, and it's dying down still. But I don't know if I could take the hate anymore. It's all too much, and hurtful. I slumped into my seat. I started to go through all the mentions of me. But one caught my eye, one that I've never seen before.

*You're my inspiration, so beautiful and nice. You're so brave, not afraid to stick up to the haters. Really, you're amazing. I don't see how people could send you hate, you're flawless. I ship Styllis more than anything. Stay Strong(:* I retweeted it and smiled to myself. I tweeted the girl back, *You don't know how much that means to me, Thank You :)* I looked out the window again and eaves dropped on the girls behind me.

"I don't see why they like her.." One girl said. "I know, she's an ugly bitch." The other responded. "Did you hear about the rumor of her?" She said. "No, what?" One replied. "People have been saying.. That she's a murder." She said. The girl gasped and I rolled my eyes. "Do you think it's true?" She asked. "I don't know.. I mean, we haven't seen or heard anything of her parents." She said. "Well, if she is, it makes sense because of that scary mask!" She laughed.

That's it. I spun around in my seat so I was facing them. "You know I have ears right?" I snapped. They looked up at me and both rolled their eyes. Bratty much? "Really? We didn't know that!" One said sarcastically. "Snot." I mumbled sitting back down. One girl peek heart head in the crack of the seat. "Go die bitch, no one wants you on Earth." She hissed then started laughing with her twin. I got up and went to the planes restroom.

I slid down the wall and hugged my legs. Tears started falling from my eyes. Is this torture ever gonna end? I grabbed the cross necklace that was around my neck and prayed to God that this would end soon. I stood back up and looked in the mirror. I grabbed some tissue and started drying my eyes. "You are an ugly bitch." I whispered.

"No one wants you here."

"No one cares."

I looked down at my screensaver.

Me and The boys.

"It's all an act."

"You're worthless."

"You're not good enough.."

"And you will never be."

I leaned against the wall and started breathing heavily. "Hey! Are you done in there yet? Or are you cutting??" I heard the girls voice. I opened the door and before I could control myself, I punched her.. Square in the nose. She stumbled back and the flight attendants came running to our sides. "Why would you do such a thing?" Her twin yelled. "The hoe needed to be taught a lesson."


The lads and I've been waiting for what seems like hours for Jackie to get off the plane. I saw her perfect brown curled hair with a white beanie. Yes, I could tell it was her from her hair. I noticed and hand on her arm. Guiding her where to go. I ran over to her and ripped the mans hand off of her. "Who do you think you are, touching her?" I yelled. Jackie pulled me away. "Harry, it's fine. He's security." She whispered.

I looked up at the big man. "Oh, sorry lad. You're doing good." I said laughing nervously. The man looked down at me and grabbed Jackies arm again. "Why-" I started to say. "I'll tell you later." She said quickly. I studied her face. She looked like she was crying. Her eyes were red and puffy and she had tear stains on her cheeks. "What's the matter?" I asked putting my hand on her shoulder. "I told you I'll tell you later." She said. She was clearly mad, at what? I have no clue.

The man led her to her luggage and me and the lads followed closely behind. "You're free to go, don't forget to send in the money you owe." The man said releasing Jackie. "I know." She said sadly. I intertwined my fingers with Jackie's and we walked out of the airport. Jackie put her head down as we pushed through the paparazzi. I kept hearing ridiculous questions asking if Jackie murdered someone and why isn't she in jail.

What the heck is going on? We finally reached the car and hopped in. Louis started I drive off. I looked at Jackie she still had her head down. "Jackie the cameras are gone." I said lifting her chin. "Jackie, what's wrong?" I asked drying her tears. But the tears kept coming. She moved my hand away and shook her head. "It's nothing." She said quietly. "It's clearly something if you're crying." Zayn said patting her head from the back seat.

"It's just, all the comments from all the fans, the people, just like... Everyone." She said. "What kind of stuff were they saying?" Niall asked. She looked at all of us. "That I killed my parents and brother." She mumbled sinking down into her seat. "Jackie we all know its not true, they're just starting stuff to get you mad." Louis said. We all nodded in agreement. Jackie stayed silent and looked out the window.


I dragged my suitcases into the boys home. I was only staying there for one night, then I'm off to the apartment I'm renting. "You need help with those?" Liam said from behind me. I nodded handing him a bag. We walked upstairs and set the suitcases in the closet. "Thanks." I said. "Yeah no problem. Niall's ordering pizza, so you can stay up here or come downstairs." Liam said. "I'll stay up here for a bit." I said sitting on the bed. "You sure?" He asked. I nodded.

He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I laid down on the bed and took out my song book. "When somebody tells you, something 'bout you. Think that they know you more than you do. So I, take it down on the pill I swallow." I hummed. I wrote down the lyrics adding to the song I was writing before. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. The door opened and Harry walked in.

"How come you didn't come down?" He asked. I shrugged. "We wanted to talk to you." He said. "Can we talk later? I'm trying to finish a song. Please." I said looking up. "Oh, yeah. That fine." He said walking away. "Wait, Harry." I paused sitting up. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Yeah, anything." He said sitting next to me. "Um, uhh." I paused. "Are you lying to me?" I asked slowly. "Wait, what do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Like when you tell me you missed me. Or how I'm amazing and all that. How you would never hurt me.. Are they all lies?" I said looking up at him. His eyes turned sad. "Why would you think they are lies?" He asked grabbing my hand. "So they aren't?" I asked. "No, they never were and never will be. Jackie, why did you ask?" He asked concerned. "Oh, just wondering." I said moving away slightly. "Jackie, you know you can tell me anything, right?" He asked standing up.

"Yeah, of course." I said looking away. He grabbed my face so I was looking at him.

"Do you trust me?"

"I-I want to, but I can't seem to put myself to it."

I looked up at him.

He grabbed both my hands.

"After what happened before."


Authors note:

Hi, I have over 1200 readers. Wow, I'm so happy. Thanks for reading! Comments are appreciated, I love to hear what you guys think about it. More will be up soon! Thank you(:

~Sam 😊😊

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