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"HOLY FREAKING HELL. WHAT IS HAPPENING ?" I screamed in an empty home. I stood up. Even though I was scared, I wanted to try out a bit more. I tried getting my phone from the table while snapping my finger. But the phone didn't even budge a little bit. I tried for the water bottle again, but a can of soda came flying towards me and I caught it before it fell to the ground. Huh. I guess we are out of water bottles and my powers or whatever this only works on liquids. 

So for an hour, I tried making different liquid things come towards me and I realized two things. First that I don't need to snap my fingers, I just have to concentrate and that too so that things won't come and hit me in my face. And second, I cannot control only liquids but mostly everything which has water in it.

 I was in the middle of floating a glass full of water when my phone ringing startled me and the water spilled everywhere.

I picked up my phone and checked the id

"Hey, Ri ?"

"Where are you ?" there was a lot of noise in the background, checked the time, they must be having lunch.

"Oh uhh... I forgot to tell you, I wasn't feeling well so I came back home."

"What happened ?"

"nothing, just extremely tired. "

She sighed " I am glad you are fine cause Grace clearly isn't. She is giving everyone the silent treatment. She has barely spoken five words since she sat for lunch and even though I am talking about her in front of her I don't think she is hearing any of this. It's as if she has blocked everything out. I can't handle this anymore, we are already having a sleepover at your place so we are skipping school and are coming there. Until then you figure out what is happening cause if she keeps blocking us I might punch her."

She said all that in one breath and hung up. 

"Okaaayyyyyy.."I looked around myself, I got soo carried away with this new power that I didn't realize and now the floor is covered with cans, bottles, jellies, and a small potted cactus which was generally kept on the kitchen window sill. I took a deep breath and started picking up things but then I realized I don't need to pick them up, if I can call them maybe I can send them back as well. And I was right it took me ten minutes to clean everything up. Hmm, I am getting pretty good at this. 

Now coming to the main topic, should I tell anyone about it or not....what if someone told me about this? What would I have done? Considering my love for Harry Potter I would have started praying the ground they walk on. I love HP and I was more than disappointed when I didn't get a letter, well not everyone gets what they want I get off-topic soo fast now, where was I . yeah, since not everyone is like me what should I do now?

 After having an internal debate for five minutes I decided to keep it to myself till I can. 

I should be freaking right now but I am not as shocked as I should because I have read so many fictional books that in my mind I already thought that all that must be true cause even though the human mind is very capable, but all the stories must have started from somewhere and don't we all know that sometimes legends and myths are nothing but an exaggerated version of the truth. Yeah people I am one of those rare diamonds who believe in every "mythical" thing anyone has ever written about. Be it witches, werewolves, girls with healing powers in their hair (no that's a bit too much). Anyways you get it right? 

I was pulled from my mental speech by the doorbell. Ri was already taking off her shoes when I reached the door.

"Why do you even ring the bell when you can get yourself in?" I asked Ri but my eyes were on Grace who was leaning on the doorway trying to take her boots off without sitting.

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