Chapter Four

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(Leader's POV)

We watched via live feed as the trap worked and the building went up in smoke. Unfortunately, she survived, but the silver lining, one of her people, hadn't. That must have hurt her badly, and that made me smile. She deserved the pain after all she had been doing and all she was trying to do. 

"Should have gone with the bigger blast," I grumbled to my right hand, Vince. 

Vince had met Selene back when she was still just Kate and didn't know anything about who she was - is - whatever. Vince hated her then and even more now that she was getting rid of the breeder program for good. He believes it is the only way he can get women, and her original plans hurt him, but these new plans destroy his chances. 

"This will cause all-out war." 

"Good, and it shows her we won't just roll over and do as she commands." 

"I'll batten down the hatches for retaliation," Vince told me as he left my office. 

(Tomas' POV) 

Selene and Mark arrived by private jet at 10 pm that night, weary and still wounded. Selene's rapid healing ability had helped her heal almost all of her mild burns. She still had some of her more severe burns and wounds. Her back was severely bruised, but you could see that her spine was realigned. Mark, however, was a lot worse, and his arm was still in a sling. His skin was still badly burnt, and his hair was shorter, yet he was still helping Selene out of the car. 

She looked so weary and tired, but the moment she saw me, a weak smile came across her face. I almost tripped over my feet running towards her, and she opened her arms to me. Like picking up a newborn, I carefully held her in my arms and felt all the tension in her body disintegrate. 

"MARK!" I heard Mark's mate, Ester, sob as she came out of the pack house, followed by practically everyone else, including the pack Doctor. 

"Let's get them both to the clinic." The Doctor called, and while I carried my mate, Ester and Mark's brother helped guide Mark. 

"So, how bad is it?" I asked Doctor Milton as we stood in his office examining the scans that he just took. 

"Luna's spine has just reformed, and Mark's arm needs a cast for a week. The burns and wounds will need cleaning, some gauze and time, but they will heal quickly enough. Mostly they will be bruised and sore for a couple of weeks. I would suggest bed rest for both of them. I'll need to see them in a few days to check their wounds and burns." I nodded at what the Doctor was telling me. 

"And Chris?" I asked a tinge of sadness in my tone.

"His body has returned, and it is in the morgue." He looked as sad as I did, and I knew why Doctor Milton had brought Chris into this world. 

Chris was 25 years old, and his parents had passed away when Chris was 22; this had devastated Chris, and he threw himself into his warrior classes, which is why he quickly rose through the ranks and possibly, thankfully, Chris was mate-less, so while there was no direct family, the rest of the pack mourned him. 

"Good, I want him to have full warrior honours. His funeral will be in two days." The Doctor nodded at me, and I thanked him before leaving to see Selene. 

She was in a private room at the far end of the clinic, her body bandaged and gauze wrapped in places. Her hair was singed and needed a cut. She looked tired but cleaned up from all the soot and ash. She looked weary and tired. She wore a hospital gown and had a small blanket covering her chest. 

In her arm, I saw an IV hooked up to a machine to pump antibiotics and blood. She wasn't attached to a heart monitor, but her scans were in a folder in a file carrier hanging off the end of her bed. Her bruises started to turn from black/blue to brown/yellow, but some were still forming and getting darker. 

Her eyelids fluttered open, showing off her beautiful eyes that made me fall in love with her every time I saw them. She took a deep, waking breath and gave me a small but radiant smile that would weaken any man at the knees. 

"Hi," She said as she took in a breath. 

"Hey, how are you?" I asked as I walked towards her and sat in the clinic beside her bed. 

"Sore and stupid." 

"You're not stupid." 

"I should have sensed it was a trap, I was too trusting, and Chris paid the price." I took her hand in mine and squeezed lightly. I gave her a small smile and a kiss on the knuckles. 

"Chris died because of those terrorists, not you. Like many other wolves, he would gladly give their life for yours because you are their Luna and Goddess." She gave me a slight nod of agreement and understanding. She knew, probably better than most, how wolves worked and especially how they felt - after all, she made us all that way. The need to take care of your Luna, protect and even die for her, was only trumped by the need to take care of your mate. There had been a few inner turmoils when both your Luna and your mate were in danger; 9 times out of 10, the mate won. To a warrior like Chris, dying for his Luna was dying with honour. 

"Where is he?" She asked. 

"Chris?" (She nodded.) "Morgue; he'll have a full Warrior funeral in two days." 

"Good, he deserves that and so much more." She said, playing with her fingers. 

The funeral was all I had instructed and more; Chris had defiantly gotten the best send-off I could have imagined. Selene cried, and she wasn't the only one; many women were calling, of all ages. The Betas from the allied packs stayed to pay their respects before promising to tell their Alpha the truth; they said many would agree to be allies. 

"Only good thing to come from that bullshit meeting," Selene said as we watched the cars start to leave. She and I were standing on our balcony, waving the Beta off; even though I had begged her to get back into bed and rest, she had insisted. 

"Think they'll all join?"

"I do, especially after the mate offers. I know many Alphas who do not have true mates and want them." 


"So, what's the next move?"

"Well, mediation is dead, so we need to find out where the leaders of this little group are hiding and cut the head off the snake, as they say." 

"So, where do we start?"

"The families and the low men on the totem pole." 

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