Chapter One

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With the call to arms sent out far and wide, many answered especially Alpha Tyler's pack. Beta's and Head Warriors were sent to our pack lands from far and wide, and within a week, all allied packs were with us. It was also a perfect way to see who and want packs were not on our side. It seemed that for every two on my side, one was not. 

A week after the call to arms, everyone was gathered in the ballroom, and there was a low level of chatter between the people gathered (stuffed) in the room. Many people were talking with friends and some even family that they hadn't had the chance to meet up with in some time. 

My fellow council members, Tomas and I, were in a small room off the side of the ballroom with the door slightly cracked open so that we could see the commotion just outside the room. 

"Do you think everyone is here?" I asked as I peered through the crack the door had made. 

"Yes," Tomas said. "You ready to go out there and face them?"

"As I'll ever be." 

"I believe in you," Tomas told me, and a wave of warmth rushed over me. It was fantastic to have my soulmate next to me finally and for me to be fully accepting of my true self and nature. So much so that I now went by Selene with the middle name of Kate. 

I turned towards Alister and Uriel, my fellow council members and gave them both a small smile. I nodded to them, which they reciprocated, and with a deep breath, I left the side room and walked towards the stage. I ascended the stage and headed towards the microphone, which had been set up earlier. 

"Good Morning, Everyone!" I called, and my voice reverberated around the room, which caused the low level of chatter to die instantly. Suddenly hundreds of eyes were on me, and I pulled strength from my Moon Goddess powers. While I was a Goddess, I spent 16 years as a breeder. So I grew up meek, timid and quiet, taught that to speak up, especially to men, was wrong and that we were to be seen, not heard. Our only duty was to the children, but now I had to be a leader and be strong; I had to push past the nurture I had been given, the way of life I was taught and embrace my nature. "Thank you all so much for answering my call to arms, and I'm sure with all the recent changes and uncovered truths, many of you have questions and queries. So, with that in mind, for 10 minutes, I will open the floor out to you all to ask me some questions. So, any questions?" 

Honestly, my heart dropped when I saw the number of hands that went up. I expected questions, concerns and queries because I had turned up out of nowhere and upheaved their lives and all they knew, now I was asking them to fight for me, which didn't just come quickly, but I didn't realise I would have more questions than I probably had time to answer. 

"Ok, Tomas, could you please go around with a mic and let's get some questions answered?" I asked Tomas, who was standing at the side of the stage. He grabbed a spare mic, turned it on, and made his way over to someone with their hand raised. He handed over the mic, and the other hands fell. A man's voice came over the speaker system, and the others in front parted like the red sea so I could see him. 

He was a well-built man, but sometimes he skipped leg day. He had thick dreadlocks, and his skin was like milk chocolate. He had a very interesting scar across his face, which pulled and moved as he spoke. He was in a plaid shirt and jeans, which looked like they barely fit. 

"Morning," He said, his Kansas accent coming through strongly. "My name is Beta Cristen from the Tornado Pack, and my question is, what happened to the previous council?"

"My brother was running the previous council as a way for him to have complete power, and when I went to the council, my brother attacked me, and I defended myself, which caused his demise. Alister and Uriel decided to stay with me, but the other partner retired. The previous council slimmed down and became more democratic and open." I answered. Beta Cristen nodded at me in understanding and didn't speak again. "Next question?" Hands shot up again, and Tomas went around with the mic. 

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