Chapter 6: My Mistake Costs Everything

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- Depression 

- Dark Themes, Dark Humor 

- Gore // Blood 


Epic POV 

Dream had called me, earlier on that day, I can remember so clearly...I picked up the phone, "What's up?" I asked.

"Is...Is this Epic?" A voice asks. "It's Dream..."

"Yo! Bruh, what's up? This is Epic, yo!" I responded, my voice having it's usual happy tone to it. I heard Dream sniff slightly, as if he had been crying. He was calling me...? Why not Cross? What happened?

"'s about Cross..." Dream muttered, his voice barely audible. I froze, forgetting all about the game sitting in front of me. Sour looks up at me, confused. I stood up, waving him off. I got a worried glance from Sour's brother, Sugar and Sugar's boyfriend, Melon.

I was hanging out with some friends before Dream called me.

"About Cross?" I ask, forgetting my slang and being serious. He was my best friend... "What the hell happened, Dream?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

"He...We got into a fight with 404...Do you know of Error 404 and Fate?" He asks me. Fate and 404...?

"A little, I know their bad though..." I answer.

"That's all you need to know. Error 404 was controlling Killer and Error. He used them to fight us, rather than fighting us in person. I was about to be dusted, I hadn't watched my back, Killer was so quick, he teleported behind me, I didn't have time to turn around, Ink shouted and then...It all happened so fast...Cross, he jumped in the way...Cross...h-he's an i-idiot..." Dream says, I could tell he was crying slightly, trying to stifle the cries of pain.

I stayed silent, taking all that in.

"E-Epic...?" Dream asks me.

"Y-Yeah?" I ask, my voice breaking a bit. "Yeah, Dream?"

"A-Are you o-okay?" He asks me. "I...I'm sorry. This is all my fault, if I hadn't been so stupid, he wouldn't have- He would- He wouldn't have-"

"I'm sorry, Dream," I say.

"What do you-" I hang up the phone.

"Epic...? Are you alright, sweetie?" Sugar asks, walking up to me, grabbing my hand and hugging me. "What happened?" He asks me gently.

"I...Cross..." I mutter, accepting his hug. "Why the sudden hug...?" I whisper-ask him. Sugar pulls back a little.

"You're crying..." He points out. I hadn't noticed. I wipe away my tears, hoping they would stop.

"I'm okay, Sugar...I' back later, okay?" I tell him, patting his head, he was a tad bit shorter than me. Melon comes up behind Sugar, wrapped his arms around Sugar's waist. 

"How much later?" Melon asks me. "I thought Cross was coming over with Dream?" Sugar elbows Melon, shaking his head, thinking I hadn't noticed. "Er- I thought we were cooking tonight?" He offers.

Calm and Serene (Cross x Dream)Where stories live. Discover now