~ ♥️ Meet You There? ♥️ ~

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What. The. Actual. Heck? Epic, Melon, and Sugar ran in here and snagged Blue away and then suddenly I hear screams from upstairs. What're they doing? Murdering Blue?

Error was being clingy, even in his sleep, so I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. I sighed, looking back down at my sketches, my eyes trailing down to my Ruru. I smiled.

For a destroyer, he's awfully cuddly.

Not that I mind.

Blue and the others ran down the steps, I shush them by holding a finger to my mouth. They quietly come over to me.

"Dream and Cross are dating!" Blue whispers.

"WHAT!?" I shout, Ruru stirred. "I'm still here." I whisper to him before everyone fell silent for a few moments, he falls back asleep.

Blue beamed, "I know! And they kissed!"

"What?? They kissed? Are you sure we're talking about the same Cross and Dream?" I ask, confused. "They're both so awkward though."

"I smacked him with a rubber chicken." Epic adds. I look at him.

"Should I be concerned?" I ask. He shakes his head 'no'. "Well now I am." I laugh quietly. "That's good for them. It's about time, huh?"

They all nod eagerly. Then, Dream comes inside, he was smiling, one hand on his cheek the other holding a small box. He opens the box and pulls out a little bracelet. It looked hand-crafted and it fit his wrist perfectly, it was colored a bright yellow-gold, with tint of black and white here and there. His face was tinted in a golden blush, a smile plastered on his face. He looks at us.

"I did it...I'm dating Cross!" He cheers, we all quietly cheer with him. Blue stands up.

"This calls for celebration! I'll make the best tacos ever!" Blue says, skipping into the kitchen. Sugar sneaks off after him, presumable to make something sweet.

Error stirs awake, looking up at me.

"Heya, Ruru."

He jumps slightly, I forget about his haphephobia. We've been working on it a lot lately, but, it still isn't to the point where you can touch him without telling him first. He calms down a bit, crawling to sit next to me.

Then, he glitches really badly.

I turn to him, "Are you okay?" I ask, reaching out but not touching him. After a moment of incomprehensible glitch noises, he blinks and looks up at me, glancing at my hand, before hesitantly grabbing it and scooting closer.

"I'm fine, Kiki."

I set off a god damn riot right there.

"KIKI!? AND YOU CALL HIM RURU! AWW~!" Sugar yells, running around with Dream. "I SMELL A SHIP!"

"NO!" Error and I said at the same time. "We're just friends."

Error didn't move away, despite the embarrassment. I was secretly thankful that he didn't. That might have been more embarrassing.

"Alright, food's done!" Blue yells from the kitchen, Sugar perks up.

"Imma go check my brownies~"

I stood, bringing up Ruru with me as we all headed to the kitchen.

Cross POV

I sighed, heading to Nightmare's place. He had forgiven me ever since we helped out in saving Killer from 404 or whatever. I was aloud to stay at his place once more, in the huge mansion.

I opened the door and headed in to hear a yelp from non-other than Killer.

He ran out of the kitchen, straight into me. We both fell and I saved him from smacking his head on the side of a table.

"S-Sorry!" Killer apologizes, jumping up off of me. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

"It's fine, what spooked you?" I ask.

"What? Nothing! No, I ran from Dust and Horror. They're being creeps again. Those jerks."

"Ahh...well, I'm going up to my room, talk to you later, Kills," I say, patting him on the head and walking off. He was shorter than me, he shot me a glare, I could feel the cold glare without even looking back at him. "Please, don't glare at me."

"Don't pat me then." Killer responded with a snicker, skipping off past me with a smile. He went into Nightmare's room without having to knock. I sighed, rushing up to my room. I shut the door behind me, locking it and pulled out my phone.

I went to the contact, "Little Flower".

Little Flower: Heya, Crossy! We just finished dinner! Are you planning to come over tomorrow? It's Valentine's Day, I was hoping we could hang out?

Cross: Yeah, of course! I would love to hang out with you, Flower! How about we meet up that afternoon? At like 12? Is that okay with you? 

Little Flower: Yes, 12 is perfect! I'll meet up with you then! At the cave? 

Cross: Yes, the cave will work! Cya then, Little Flower. Sweet dreams. Love you.

Little Flower: Sweet Dreams, Crossy. Love you, too.

I smiled as I set my phone down. Then, the panic set in and I picked up my phone just as fast, I called the person I knew I could trust with my life.


Calm and Serene (Cross x Dream)Where stories live. Discover now