- What To Do -

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I'll only be doing one or two chapters for one or two books because I have a date today. My first date ever- oof- Gosh, wish me luck. Enjoy~! <3 

Happy Valentines~!

Cross POV


"Hey! It's Cross," I respond.

"Yo, I know, I read the number. What up?" He asks me.

"Umm, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, thing, my bruh. Ask away."

"I just told Dream to meet me somewhere for Valentines, right? But, I don't know what do do! I'm not romantic in the slightest!" I ask.

"Well, if ya trynna be romantic, why did ya-" He was cut off.

"HELP!" A scream from his side of the phone.

"Who was that...?" I ask, thinking I knew the voice.

"Nobody, don't worry about it. Why did ya call me though?" I ask.

"Umm...because I trust you as much as I trust Dream and Epic," I say.

"Me? I thought I was just-"

I cut him off. "You're not just a 'parasite'. Geez, you're really nice, plus, Epic likes you so I may have grown a little attached to you as well." I admit. "You're a really good friend, I don't care what the others say about you."

"Ah. That's nice of ya."

"Yeah, but seriously, what do I do!?" I freak out, flopping down onto my bed in a very dramatic way that I'm sure Epic would've made fun of me for.

"Well, what does Dream like?" Fresh asks me.

"Well, I think he likes to hang out by the stream, he likes it when things are calm and he likes bright things, too," I offer.

"Okay...So, take him to a different place. Do you know any place that has a stream or something? Something that really caught ya eye, I mean." He says, trying not to use his slang as much. He knew I wasn't good with understanding slang so when we talked he kept it to a minimum. I was thankful for it or else I would have to play the guessing game.

"Something that really caught my eye?" I whisper to myself. "Well, I think the only AUs that really 'caught my eye' would have to be OuterTale and SugarTwist," I tell him.

(Note: "SugarTwist" is my AU, SugarTwist!Sans aka Sweetie's AU, the stream in WaterFall is tinted with shine because underneath the surface of the water, crystals grow on the sides of the waterfall, making the water shiny. Also, dozens of different brightly colored flowers grow there.)

"Ya, both are really good choices, which one do you like best?"

"I don't think I could choose..." I tell him.

I heard a crash from his side and he sighed.

"Can ya not do dat while I'm on the phone?" He asks the other person or people there with him.

Calm and Serene (Cross x Dream)Where stories live. Discover now