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I posted Keeping up with the Khandans s03 in Kat Calls, if anyone wants to check that out

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I posted Keeping up with the Khandans s03 in Kat Calls, if anyone wants to check that out.

As they welcomed a new year, Nargis Khatun took her last breath.

It was deep into the night when the Ahmad residence was jolted awake with the phone call. As they scrambled to make their way out of their bed, Nargis was rolled outside of her home in a stretcher, along with her son Murshid Ahmad and the resident nurse.

Her heart gave out before they reached the hospital.

The family mourned in silence, and together took comfort in the fact that Nargis had a life well-lived.

The death of the eldest brought perspective for other members of the household as well. Junaina Ahmad, Dahlia's mother, realized that life and death, as well as all else in between, laid solely in Allah's Hands. The claims and promises made by fake priests could never be fulfilled by them, as they did not have the power to do so. Praying to Allah, following the Quran and Sunnah, was enough. She finally ceased her associations with Baba Rafique.

Besides, Aryan Malik managed to unearth pictures of the man doing some truly shady things, and then exposed them on his blog.

Rafique Suleiman was now battling multiple lawsuits.

Months passed, Lily Ahmad got engaged. Baby Aisha took her first steps. Dahlia passed her final MBA exam, barely.

Lily reached out to Dahlia one day and said, "Dadimaa was the last of her siblings, so her passing marked the last of her generation." Her sister looked at her with absolute horror. "Dels, do you realize... we are now the aunty generation?"

Dahlia absorbed, and mourned, this revelation in silence too.

Salman and Katrina had a winter wedding.

Katrina placed the request for a simple nikaah at the masjid, and a small get-together for their Walima.

Salman nearly had a heart attack at the prospect.

Katrina had heard of Bridezillas, but for the first time in her life, she witnessed a Groomzilla. He had an opinion about everything, and he wanted to be a part of everything. Starting from the photographers to the bride's attires, Salman's involvement was expected. He got on everyone's nerves, but he simply said he was too excited to get married to Katrina to contain it.

It was a lazy afternoon in the overpopulated city.

The sun was shining pleasantly over the waves lapping over the soft sand. Salman Bashir tilted his head to look up at the high-rise building contrasted against the mountains. He was tanned and jet-lagged. The flight home was exhausting.

He turned to look at his wife. The freckles on her nose were more visible due to high sun exposure. The earlier vexation was still in her eyes. A man in the flight home took a look at their passports, and then kept referring to their Bollywood namesakes the entire way.

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