9. Secret meetings and Sleepovers

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Katrina Khan took a deep breath and let it out.

The air flowed smoothly into her lungs, without hiccups. It filled her cavity and expanded her chest. Then she released the air. It flew out just as effortlessly, lightening her aching heart in the process.

This was a different kind of breath, easy and pumping life into her body - than the ones she had been taking for the past couple of days, labored, painful and dragging. The latter breaths raked her chest in a way it made her feel like she was running out of air, rather than breathing; the more she dragged in, the more painfully breathless she got.

Panic attacks, her father called them. Katrina never had one before, but she had been constantly having them since the evening she found out about Ashiq's wedding.

The first one happened when she learned of the news. Katrina didn't even realize when she started gasping for air. But she was, a heaviness was pressing across her chest, making it hard for her to breath. People were starting to gather around her.

"Katrina," someone breathed down her neck. "Oh my God, Katrina. Are you okay?"

All eyes across the room were drawing towards her, more than it was already. The pressing on her chest was getting worse.

Before the staring could get out of hand, Zeenat grabbed her by the wrist and started dragging her out of the restaurant. Katrina walked behind her, floated would be the more accurate word; severed from reality, and struggling to breath. Time started trickling like a spoon being stirred into thick molasses.

They walked out of the stuffy room, Katrina only realized because of the faint tinkling of bell hitting her ears. The air outside didn't help, there were only thick pollution and perverted eyes of men. Just a typical evening at their city.

Tamara followed soon after. Her face was pale, lips clamped shut and eyes sparkling with disbelief. Katrina had never seen her this quiet.

"Is this happening for real?" Zeenat asked, her tone ever so steady.

Tamara nodded, as if still in a daze. "I just spoke with Arif Chachu, he said the Salehins did not even bother with a proper explanation yet."

Her panic attack got worse. The useless breaths were now accompanied by sobs racking her body. Both eyes turned to her. The confusion and stupor turning to concern and sadness.

"Katrina," Zeenat let out a labored whisper.

Tamara stepped in front of her. Katrina saw her through the haze of tears. She was worried, she was lost, and in pain. "Breathe," she cried.

She was trying, but failing.

"Katrina!" Tamara cried, firmly grabbing her cheeks, staring directly into her eyes, her own gaze wide with fear.

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