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Neela Bashir and Khadija Islam were both women wronged by society. Being dealt a bad hand at a young age – one in form of her husband and the other mother-in-law – and having to adapt, adjust and put the pieces of their hearts repeatedly back together, had taught them to become tough. Their friendship was based on supporting each other, and often allowing the other to be bitter while venting the bad memories. When the news of a possibility of turning their friendship in a family tie, both women were ecstatic.

They left behind the hottest summer the country had suffered in years, and entered winter. Katrina shifted to her new workplace. Getting used to new people, adjusting to a new environment, and learning the ropes of a new position were daunting; Salman was always there to comfort her with his encouraging reminders.

"The harder you work, the wealthier you'll get; and I've always wanted to be a trophy husband."

Their interactions were limited to their weekly outings - and the only way Katrina's father allowed them to go out were if they were accompanied by Tamara. As the spent time with each other, Tamara grumbled under her breath about being a third wheel, until Salman lured her with the bribery of free food.

Arif Khan at first was concerned about the possible union. He was satisfied with Salman's education and upbringing, but the fact remained that his grandfather was once upon a time a politician - and a prominent one at that. After their last experience with politicians, the girl's father was bound to be worried.

"I understand the grandfather has now retired, but what if Salman decides to follow his footsteps and enter politics too?"

At that, Tamara burst out laughing. "Chachu, believe me when I say, that is not a possibility," she assured him. "He possesses as much tact as our desi aunties. Nobody would allow him to become a politician even if he tried to."

At times when Salman drove to their house to drop the sisters home, their grandmother would be standing by the window waiting for them. Then as Salman blew her kisses, Zahira Khan could be seen blushing like a young girl.

The rascal twins at times would be waiting for Salman at their gate.

As Katrina bid him goodbye and disappeared through the gates, they patted down Salman's car meaningfully and threw him evil grins.

Salman attempted to bribe them with, "I can't afford to buy another car like this again," Salman told them. "But I have a friend who can. He has a lot of money, too much. And his cars are much nicer..."

Then one day Salman showed up in one of their Dadi's live videos once, and the views went through the roof. So then the twins began to soften towards him. They struck a deal with him to allow them to become his Social Media Manager. They were now on the journey to making Salman an Instagram model.

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