*Harry and Louis reading a Larry fanfic*
[40 minutes later when they both had finished reading it]Harry had a smirk sat on his face when he said "Remember the first smut part that we read the one in the car. We should try that" at this point Harry's emerald green eyes were shimmering bright like diamonds.
Louis looked a bit irritated "Harry really?! We have already done that. You really don't remember"
Harry was feeling embarrassed, all red and blushy "Ou right haha sorry... well would you want to do that again"
Louis was starstruck and almost drooling
Harry put a big smile on his face and dragged Louis closer to him...*talking about a different part of the fanfic*
Harry was snuggling Louis while still talking about the fanfic
Louis "This part actually is a little similar to us" he smiled and kissed Harry on the forehead
Harry felt like he had a big ball of warmth in him "Yes sun it was very sweet and we were so in love in that fanfic like we are now and have been for 10 years now "
At this point Louis wasn't thinking about the fanfic anymore. He was thinking about the writer and larries in general "You know we are very lucky to have fans that see through management's bullshit and manipulation"-
This is the first mini story and if you like it then i'm happy for that and if you didn't like it then well... 1)if you didn't like it because i wrote it poorly then please give me tips and advice on how to write better 2)if you didn't like it because you didn't like the meaning or the story in general then either give me suggestions or stop reading-Dina