
686 41 13

Hello, my pretties! (That's kinda fun to say lol.) Something about this book you found interesting enough to pick it up, so thanks for that! This was written for the Open Novella Contest 2021 using prompts 22, 57, 62, 66, 71, and 87 (main prompt 66), and it deals with death and suicide, so here's a trigger warning (right here  –> ⚠️). Also, I love feedback, critiques, opinions, thoughts, and pretty much anything else you've got, so don't be shy about leaving comments; it makes my day to read them! And the title is a working title, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, shoot your shot because I'm all ears.  ;)

Oh, and if you came from ONC and wrote from some of the same prompts, I'd love to see what you have!

Prompts used:

22. On occasion, an accusation of witchcraft has the power to set one on a wonderful, dangerous path.

57. Death has records of everyone's existence. Except - according to Death - your records don't exist.

62. Waking up to an omen of death on your doorstep isn't exactly how you pictured your Monday morning.

66. When you die, you come back. But you never come back the same, there's always a price to pay for resurrection.

71. "This is our last dance, my dear." They said, to which you reply, "Then make it the best dance, my love."

87. With the Kingdom Heir coming-of-age celebration fast approaching, the search for a match begins. It is decreed a dance will be held; an anonymous masked ball.

Finally, here's a playlist:

Finally, here's a playlist:

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The Duchess Cannot Sleep || ONC 2021Where stories live. Discover now