Chapter One ~ Home

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Everyday had been the same since this entire pandemic happened. She wasn't aware of the difficulties it would leave her mental state but she knew that she had to keep moving forward. Her life consisted of a loving mother, wonderful friends, awful chores and, of course, terrible, horrible school. It wasn't that she was bad at school, rather her mind was always clouded and filled with insecurities. You see, no one was against her, but her mind seemed to be her biggest enemy. The place in which she was supposed to call a safe space was constantly attacking her everyday choices. She couldn't seem to stop the anxiety and depression from calling her name. It's not like she chose this mindset, in fact she hadn't even remember where it came from. All she knows is that it was always there and didn't seemed to leave her alone.

Especially now, her mind was at an all time low. As she was sweeping the house, humming and imaging her life as Cinderella, but without mean sisters, evil step mother or hell cat, she started to feel more fatigue. She had been avoiding her homework for a few days now but tried to cover the shouting of productivity in her subconscious by doing her chores, but tiredness got the best of her, and she decided that maybe after some calming music and journaling might help her get her into that "productive" mood she wished she was craving.

And so, that's what she did. She placed the broom stick against the plain wall of the living room and forgot about her Cinderella life as she walked back to her room. Her oasis. Her home far away from home. A sigh departed from her lips as she fell right on her bed. The fabric of her sheets welcomed her with the lightly scented detergent as she buried her face into the sheets.

'I'm so lazy..' She thought to herself.

She took a deep breath before lifting herself up to reach for the remote that was left on the bed from earlier. She turned on her tv and put on youtube, before she clicked on the first playlist she saw. She shrugged before placing her remote next to her. She decided to just let the music flow through her ears. Her body. Her soul. It didn't have words, and she loved it.

But as she was soaking in it, she hear static ringing in her ears. Her eyes flashed opened, breathing heavily. You know that feeling when you fall in your dream and wake up terrified, that's how she felt but instead, it wasn't a dream she woke up. Everything seemed fuzzy. Her room that called oasis had turned into a chamber of white. No walls or floors but one door. A door that felt familiar but it was buried deep in her memory. The door had gold trimming along the edges but the door knob was silver with a tiny hole. Now, she wasn't the curious type even if Alice in Wonderland was one of her favorite movies, she never enjoyed the life of uncertainty. She stared at the door and tried looking around, pressing her champed lips together.

'Well.. another odd dream once again.. when was the last time I even dreamed? I don't even remember falling asleep..' Her mind was racing with thoughts and she thought she would never escape the feeling of nerves. It started to hit her that standing still while staring at the door doesn't solve anything so she did what she thought was right, pinch herself really hard. So she did.

It didn't work.

When she reopened her eyes, she felt stupid for listening to dumb cliques advice and turned around. She simply walked away, but the more she walked away, the static started to come back. It was piercing her ears to the point where she started to feel tears fall from her eyes. She covered her ears and turned to around to look where it was coming from but she was stuck in this white room that seem endless. Now she lost the door, her ears are ringing and she doesn't know where's she going so she slowly sank to her knees. Covering her ears so tightly but then she felt the ground slowly feel like jello, and her body began to slip through it as though she was being swallowed whole. 

'Wait! I don't want to di-' Her own thought was cut off when she fell into another white "room". The door was there again. She groaned and walked towards it, placing her hand on the doorknob.

'It's better than that static..' She twisted the door knob before walking right in. She widen her eyes when she found herself in the middle of a castle. The door vanished. Then she heard a voice before she could even comprehend what happened.

"My Lady, there you are! You ran off again didn't you?" A short woman began walking towards her. The woman had a very simple dress, in which you'll find servants in but that didn't stop Margarita from running away. She subconsciously lifted her gown with her hands she ran away from the woman that was calling her, "My Lady". She turned her head, before bumping into someone and falling on her bottom. Her corset sucked the life out of her as she fell a little too hard. A woman stood before her, holding out her hand. "Oh my Lady, I'm so very sorry." She exclaimed before helping Margarita up.

Margarita looked at the other woman's hand and it had so many rings and looking up at her, her body was covered in a silver-pearly gown. Margarita felt intimidated by her as she curtsey but the other short woman came running beside Margarita, placing her hands on her knees. Breathing heavily. The woman who Margarita assumed was a knight, placed her hand under her chin and lifted her head. "No need for all that formalness, welcome back home my lady." The knight said, her voice sounded like a soft rain that will soon turn into a thunderstorm.

Margarita's heart thumped in her chest as she stared into the knight's eyes.

"Home?" She spoked for the first time, her eyes widening as she stared around the cobblestone palace that was now her "home".


thank you sm for reading! i'm trying to do a princess/royal core effect! anyways, back to chores! please comment what you would like to see next! - Wondy

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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