Chapter 16: Despair

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"Princess, did you not say that in order for you to rejoice, we shall kill the antagonist?" The black haired man smiled gently at the brunette who was terrified at what she's done.

"Mister... Mister... Let's stop now.. I messed up, so... so bad..!" The brunette lowered her head in agony.

"Princess, worry not. The antagonist is dead." The man smiled eerily.

Everyone in the hall was confused and bewildered. The reason for that being is because first of all, the lovely princess they'd thought for the brunette to be was nowhere to be found. Second of all, their emperor was bleeding to death, and the princess they'd thought to be abandoned was the one holding her father. Lastly, there was a man who, although both his hair and eye color differed greatly from that of the emperor, they looked somewhat alike.

Even Lucas was bewildered.

The hell.. I sense a very strong black magic on that dude...

"C-could it be that Athanasia is dead?!" The brunette jumped, but when she glanced at where the blonde was and realized she wasn't correct, she then looked horrified.

"Mister... Papa is the only one dead. He isn't.." The brunette shut her up, realizing what the man meant. Jeannette then covered her mouth, and her eyes widened.

"M-mister, there's no way you could be talking about..." The brunette did not want to continue her sentence, she waited for the man to give her an answer, but all she got was a smile.

"Mister.. Answer me!" Jeannette nervously yelled.

"The princess never specified which person she thought was the antagonist."

The brunette's heart sank.

"No way... No way..." Jeannette kept muttering to herself.

"But do not worry anymore, the antagonist is dead."

"MISTER, HE WASN'T THE ONE I WAS TALKING ABOUT..!" Jeannette cried loudly.

"Does it really matter?" The man shrugged.

"What do you.." The brunette looked at him in utter disbelief.

"That man is not your father." The man said coldly which made the brunette's blood run cold.

Jeannette was way too speechless, but she looked at the man nevertheless.

"It hurt that you mistook my brother for your father, my lovely daughter."

Everyone including Jeannette was in an intense shock.

The man then changed his appearance with magic, and instead of black hair and eyes, his hair was blonde, and he possessed jeweled eyes.

"....The previous emperor.." Jeannette muttered to herself, horrified.

The people outside of the barrier gasped as they recognized that the man was actually Anastacius De Alger Obelia, the previous emperor.

"You're... supposed to be dead..." Jeannette pointed at Anastacius.

"Oh? Are you not supposed to be happy to see your father right now?"

From that point, the brunette had realized that she got involved with the  wrong person.

"Now that that limp is dead, I am finally emperor, and you are my one and only princess, Jeannette. " The man extended his hand out to Jeannette.

The brunette hesitantly took his hand, but did anyway.

The brunette and her real father stood side by side.

"From this point on, I am the emperor, and Jeannette De Alger Obelia is the real princess." Anastacius declared, forcing the others to agree with him.

"As for that limp and his daughter which is very much like him.." The new emperor glanced at the crying blonde and the bleeding man.

"I will execute them myself, right now. This is for my beloved daughter." Anastacius smirked at the brunette, which was still frozen.

"Do you have any last words, niece?"

On the other hand, while the previous emperor was talking with his daughter, and revealing his identity, she only cried in despair as the man on her hands slowly lost his life.

When her uncle asked for her last words, only her cries were heard in the room.

No... No... Papa.. You can't do this to me...

The blonde only sobbed, hugging her father.

Why... Why do I have to lose my only parent..?!

"Hmm, quite eccentric to hear your cries for your last words." The man sneered.

"But seriously. It'd be sad for my niece to die with the sound of her crying as her last words." Anastacius pretended to look sad.

The moment the man said that, the blonde noticed how her father's breathing and heartbeat stopped.

"No way.." The blonde muttered in disbelief.

"Hm?" Anastacius was confused.

"Papa... Papa..." The blonde shaked the body.

"Ah, how sweet."

"No..! Papa!" The blonde cried more.

What- No way... This can't be... NO..!

The blonde cried louder and harder.

All you could hear in the room was the screams of sadness and despair of the poor blonde girl. Others felt bad for the crying girl, while the new emperor just stood there, emotionless.

The brunette stood there, as frozen as ice. She'd killed her father- no, uncle. But still, she killed him. She killed her father figure when everything she'd planned was for him and for herself.

She stood there, every passing second of hearing the blonde's cries weighed her down. Her conscience was consuming her, and inside her mind was the repeated words, "Look what you did."

As for the crimson haired man, he stood there knowing that he couldn't be of any help. He felt useless, he was supposed to be a brave knight, and protect the two blondes on the ground, but he just stood there. It was painful for him to have to listen to the poor girl's cries.

Meanwhile, Ijikiel stood there with anger and remorse towards his father, and Jeannette. The girl he loved was crying uncontrollably while everyone just stood there doing nothing to help her. But what a hypocrite he was to think that. Even he, himself couldn't help the pitiful princess. It wasn't like he was too scared, but he knew he was too weak. There is a difference between courage, and stupidity.

On the other hand, the head maid, Lily, who had just went in when the brunette placed a barrier, was there to witness everything. She was the only one who ran over and tried to comfort the princess, but people stopped her.

No... No... Princess..!

Lily cried. She remembered the mother of the girl who is crying on the ground. Although she knew Diana was brazen, she also knew that Diana cried like this too. And that was when she had an argument with his majesty. With him saying that Diana should choose him instead of the child. In the end, she had to stand there and watch the girl cry with her father's body on her hands. If she could've, she would've taken all of the princess' pain, and sadness to take for herself. That's how much she loved the child.

While all the others stood there watching the princess in despair, Lucas was the most hurt of all. Sure, he had seen the girl cry when she was framed, but it was not as worse as this. Never in his life had he seen her, not anyone, cry like this. He had never once seen someone as desperate as Athanasia was. He wanted to cry just by seeing the woman he loved in lain, agony, and remorse. Not once had he felt like this in his life. Not even when his father figure passed away. It was the absolute worst. Like all the others, he so wanted to help the pathetic princess. He was filled with anger towards the brunette and Anastacius.

Everyone in the ball too, felt the despair that was surrounding the room.

Not one, however, could match the pain that the blonde was feeling.

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