- vol 27. -

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1233 words

a dark blanket fell over the sky, wether it was day or night. everything was dark and gloomy for a couple of days. everyone was surprised by this as it was Egypt but for Alek, Aurora and Ivan was nothing. all the comforting words of a man going in and out the girls ear, all the devil-like thoughts roaring in the young boys head. the triple had decided to fly back to England, where originally everything started from, they had paid mass amounts of money for the poor angels body to only be left to sleep in a coffin forever and flee to England. nobody cared the amount of money that there had to be paid but the person that they were paying for, their girlfriend, future wife, their best friend, sister and their in law sister. of course.. Ivan and Vanessa had never had a close relationship as Ivan has always been a closed off person, his attention was only provided for his one and only mitten — Aurora. "Do you think shes okay?" the poor blonde asked with a let down face and messy hair, nothing about her was ugly but neither luxurious, everything about her was the beauty of pain. the puffy red eyes and the stress marks lining up in top of each other. "I hope she is.." Aleksander murmured looking down at his window and holding his phone tightly in his hand, not even wanting to unlock it or check the time as the lockscreen was a picture of the love birds. the boys eyes were puffy and tired with pain, this wasn't unattractiveness it was the art of a broken heart. the one true love Vanessa had.

the triple had arrived, all of them with low faces and puffy eyes, the love for Vanessa never died. however maybe she hasn't died yet. Aurora began calling all of her friends and Vanessas friends to announce the bad news, the hard part was telling her brothers as they all spent a lot of time together with Vanessa. The childhood of sisters and brothers was jolly, as only happy moments filled their minds. "What?" Eduardad asked in a shock, the boy was in the middle of learning for a new surgery— he already knew everything but he just wanted to learn more, just in case. Aurora bit on her lip as she twisted the curly telephone line, "Yeah we think she died because of some hard drugs in her body but..we arent sure enough.." the voice was just about to be understandable as the sobs filled the other line, "Alright alright calm down first," a chair could be heard to be pushed back in, "have you been to the doctors and checked it out?" Aurora gave a small "nm-mh" whilst shaking her head. "Let me come over and check her... maybe shes not really dead malaya (little one)" Eduardad gave a small smile, the feeling of a small hope was sparked up in Auroras heart.

A few days later, Ivan was still in bed snoring as loud as he could, Aleksander had a small hangover from last night and Aurora was currently in the kitchen cooking some breakfast for everyone. suddenly a few light knocks could be heard, "Betty could you get the door for me please?" the maid nodded with a smile on her face as Aurora continued cooking. the smell of pancakes flowing into the outer as the tall black door was opened to reveal a 6 foot man, with a long black warming coat and a suitcase. "How may i help you sir?" Betty asked with a confused look on her face, "Im looking for Aurora..Aurora Averio." the maid was quick to let the man in, "Aurora!" Eduardad exclaimed as she walked over to the kitchen, seeing his only sister cooking. "Oh my goodness— Eduardad!" Aurora smiled and hugged him tightly with a small smile on her face "Im so glad you're here—" she pulled away tidying his hair and taking off his coat, "Take this and place it somewhere safe." Aurora handed the coat to the maid to reveal the man standing in a grey suit. "Do you want some black bread with avocado? I know you used to eat it a lot when you were younger." and thats how the two siblings sat down and talked, whilst eating their favourite meal. Aleksander and Ivan came downstairs at the same time, with messy and tangled hair, and just a pair of black sweatpants on. "Good morning, you must be Ivan." Auroras brother greeted the mafia with a sweet smile as he raised up his round glasses, "Morning. who are you?" the mans eyebrows narrowed as the coffee machine started to whirl around, "Oh Im-" Aurora cut him off, "Hes my brother...Eduardad." Ivan nodded and smiled at Aurora, leaving the print of his lips on her forehead. "Aleksander?" a broken hearted boy nodded as he sat on one of the stools and looked up with diluted pupils. "Yes.." Eduardad gave a small sad smile as he began, "Listen... I know what happened and im sorry for that, but maybe shes not really dead.." Ivans spoon dropped into the dark coffee and aleks eyes were glued onto the brother. "What do you mean?" Alek asked hopefully, "Maybe she could be in a coma.."

The now family of four rushed the body onto a wooden table, Eduardad starting to examine the lips, eyes, pulse, breathing, finger-tips and nails. everything. he noted down everything he found out about each body part. Aleksander standing at the head of the table, his hand holding up his elbow hih enough for him to bit down on his thumb and worry, whilst Aurora held her cup of tea tightly in her hands as the warm texture gave her comfort, and lastly Ivan had his heavy hand on Auroras back hoping it would comfort her. "So?" Aleksander asked as Eduardad rolled down his sleeves. "She's not dead.—" a sigh of relief was heard and the heaviness of pain was lifted off their shoulders, "—Shes in a coma." everyone stood still, their faces froze, their bodies not moving. no reaction, nothing. "Coma..?" Aurora managed to say out loud, "Yes my darling, coma. it seems to me like it was something that they have drank.. or taken... does anyone know anything?" the doctor looked at the three of them as the fire cackled with the wood. "She was at the bar.. and she took a shot... there was this one peculiar girl that complimented her but i didnt see the drink.." Aleksander looked down, focused rather than sad as he was explaining the story. "Probably the girl placed something in her drink.." Ivan interrupted the doctor, "Wait wait wait— you mean someone spiked her drink?" he asked in fury, not something that he would do for Vanessa however it showed the love, "Yes..in more simple terms." Eduardad finished his sentence and looked over at Nessa laying, "I advise you take her to a hospital.. they'll take care of her." He placed down his clipboard with the notes he took and closed his suitcase. "Alright. Ill take her and Ill see what else they say." Aleksander sparked up as he was about to carry the girl "Tell them you got the notes from Eduardad Averio! they'll take good care of her."

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