Chapter Three

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A/N: I just reread it and accidentally wrote a different name than Ethan, my bad I fixed it though.
Mark and Ethan had been swimming as fast as they could, but it was clear that they weren't going to get back to the castle on time. After a while of swimming the two friends eventually arrived at the castle only to see that Mark's father was floating outside the palace gates with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Uh," says Ethan. "Mark, I would like to wish you good luck, I think my mom wants me home in time for dinner," Ethan turned and was about to swim away when Mark grabbed his tail.

"No, you're not, if I'm going down, you are going down with me," says Mark.

"Mark!" Ethan complained. "Don't do this!"

"You heard me!" Mark said. Ethan groaned but gave up, he turned back around and swam to Triton followed by Mark. "Hey father," Mark said nervously.

"Mark Edward Fischbach," Says Triton, "You better have a good explanation about how late you are,"

"I do father," Mark says immediately.

"Then come," says Triton as the three of them swam to the throne room. Upon arriving at the throne room Triton took his trident and sat down on his throne waiting for an explanation from Mark as to where he had been all day. "Now where have you been?"

"Um well, we got lost," says Mark nervously. Ethan turned away as he bit his lower lip trying his best to hold everything together. Triton raised an eyebrow and turned his attention to Ethan.

"Ethan, can I hear your side of the story?" questioned Triton. Ethan tried his best to hold it in but found that he could no longer do it considering he was floating before the king.

"It's not his fault!" Ethan blurted out. "We had gone to the sunken ship and explored it when a shark came to attack us, we barely escaped for our lives," Ethan continued. "But when we escaped Mark decided to go up to the human world and...."

"He what?!" Exclaimed Triton as Ethan swam back. Mark glared at his friend knowing that he was now about to be chastised by his father, going to the human world had been strictly forbidden and Triton wasn't going to be so happy if he found that one of his children had traveled up. "Mark! I told you to never go up to the human world!" he continued. "They're horrible barbarians!"

"But I!" Mark said trying to find his voice.

"Not another word! And if I find out that you have gone to the human world I will not be so easy on you! Now go!" Triton yelled. Mark stayed silent as he backed away and swam out of the throne room, Ethan followed behind not willing to stay any longer than he already was. After they left Triton sighed and looked at his trident, it was like he couldn't get through to his youngest son. He had been so much like his mother that it was scary, all he could think about was what his wife had done.

"Teenagers, am I right sir?" Says Sean who approached the king and bowed, he lifted his body up to look at the king. "You know if I were around him I would have made sure he never went to the sunken ships or the human world," he continued. "I'd swim right up to him and drag his sorry tail back to the palace and put things in order,"

"Would you watch him?" asks Triton.

"Of course, I'd watch him," responds Sean. "I've been watching him since he was a young merl,"

"That's great Sean!" Triton exclaimed. "Then I'm putting you in charge of babysitting Mark!"

"Wait what?!" Sean exclaimed. "Sir, you've got to be joking! I was being sarcastic!"

"No, Sean, I need you to watch over Mark and make sure that he doesn't do anything rash!" Triton said.

"But" Says Sean about to protest until he noticed Triton's eyes. He cleared his throat and nodded his head. "Right, make sure to babysit Mark and make sure he doesn't get into trouble,"

"Now swim along Sean," Says Triton. Sean sighed as he started to swim away from the throne room grumbling to himself.

"How do I get myself into these situations?" Sean said to himself. "I should have kept my big mouth shut," Sean had been halfway through the hall when he noticed Mark and Ethan not too far. Ethan had handed Mark a bag as the two looked around then swam away. Confused, and curious as to what Mark was up to, Sean decided to follow them until he followed them to a rock that had seemed to be a door. Sean raised an eyebrow as Mark pulled the rock away allowing Ethan to swim through. Mark swam through after, quickly thinking, Sean swam to the door and got through before the rock closed. Meanwhile, above the surface in the castle, Amy had decided it was time for her to get out of the castle and actually go exploring. It was unlike her as she quickly threw on a sweater warmer with tights and brown boots. She pulled her hood over her head and pushed her balcony doors open.

"I can't stay in this castle another minute," Amy says to herself. Carefully, Amy reached over to grab a tree and began to climb down. The hard part wasn't climbing down it was to avoid getting seen, if a guard or some random person saw her escaping from her balcony, she was as good as dead. She safely made it down to the dirt ground and threw her backpack over her shoulder. The minute she did she kept quiet as she snuck down to the harbor, upon arrival she saw people getting a boat ready to shove off. She ran over to them and waved her hands.

"Wait!" She called out. One of the Sailor's stopped what they were doing as they turned to see who had called to them.

"What can I do for you miss?" asked one of the sailors. Amy removed her hood to reveal who she was, the sailors gasped and bowed down to her. "Your majesty, I'm so sorry I hadn't recognized you,"

"That is okay Ben," says Amy. "Where are you off to?"

"We're heading across the ocean your majesty to one of the underlying kingdoms," responds Ben. "but forgive me, does your brother know you're here?"

"No, he doesn't, and he should not know," says Amy. "I want to go with you to one of the kingdoms,"

"But your royal duties," Ben was about to say but Amy held her hand up.

"Don't start with me," Amy said. "I'm tired of being cooped up in that castle waiting for a prince to ask my hand in marriage," she continued. "I want adventure and it doesn't matter, please let me go!" Ben sighed knowing that there was nothing much that he could do except allow her to go with them.

"Okay fine, but if your brother finds out about this he won't be happy," says Ben.

"My brother is the youngest in the family, I can easily find a way around it," responded Amy.

"Well, climb aboard," Ben said. Amy smiled and walked onto the ship watching the other crewmates finish their tasks. However, while Amy thought she was going to have the adventure of a lifetime, she was unprepared for what happens next.

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