Chapter Ten

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The very next day, Sean entered Mark's room and saw that he was still sleeping. Rolling his eyes, Sean walked over to Mark's bed and pulled the blanket off his body, revealing Mark shirtless. Mark opened his eyes and glared at Sean.

"Mark," says Sean. "Todays the day that you get to tour the kingdom now get your arse out of bed and get ready," Sean continued. "Amy's waiting for you downstairs right now!" Mark Sat straight up and looked over at Sean for help. Sean made his way over to the closet and pulled out a white shirt and a pair of blue jeans as well as black and gold tennis shoes. Sean couldn't believe what he had been forced to do, now he had to get Mark dressed before he was late for the second day. Sean handed Mark the shirt as he pulled it on followed by the blue jeans. Mark looked at Sean with an eyebrow raised wondering where Sean was going with this.

"Stop delaying man," Sean said. "Put those pants on and those shoes!" Mark stayed silent and pulled on the jeans which felt fairly uncomfortable considering he was still not used to being on legs. Once he pulled the jeans on, he proceeded to put on his shoes and quickly combed his hair. "Great! Your ready! Let's go before Colby tries to make a move,"

Mark's eyes widened as he did not want Amy to marry Colby. He wished he could give Colby a piece of his mind, but it was slightly hard considering he couldn't talk. Mark and Sean ran out of the room and downstairs to find that Amy had been waiting for them. The minute Mark got to the last step he was completely taken aback at the sight of Amy. She had been wearing a white and blue striped shirt with black waist-high shorts with a green jacket. On her right shoulder she had been carrying a green backpack. She was also wearing white tennis shoes, a smile appeared on Mark's face as he approached her.

"Hey Mark," Amy said, "You ready to see the kingdom?" Mark nodded as the two walked out of the castle and climbed into a black limo. Sean shook his head and walked over to a window. The minute he turned around, he looked over and saw that Sam and Colby were already heading out the door and getting into one of the cars. Sean's eyes widened as he ran out the castle and got into one of the cars.

"Follow that car!" Sean said as he had pointed at Colby's car ahead of them.

"Are you sure sir?" asked the driver. Sean didn't have time to argue, all he did was nod his head to the driver who sighed and began following the car ahead of him. Mark and Amy had been sitting in the backseat of the limo as Mark watched the people pass by some doing their own thing while others were going in and out of their homes. Everything around Mark had been fascinating it was something he hadn't seen in the deep blue ocean.

"You seem interested in the world around us aren't you Mark?" asked Amy. Mark snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Amy. He nodded his head since it was better to tell the truth even if he couldn't speak. If Amy was the one for him then maybe today was going to be the day that he got his kiss. The limo driver stopped by a restaurant as the two got out, Mark looked at the restaurant before him wondering what they had been doing here. "The place is called Olive Gardens, Mark," Amy said, and Mark just looked at her with confusion. Amy laughed briefly and politely took his hand. Mark's heart skipped a beat at the feeling of Amy's hand in his.

"I reserved us a place to sit," Amy said as she walked into the restaurant dragging Mark behind her. While Mark and Amy got seated, Sam and Colby had arrived at the first stop.

"Seriously? She actually reserved a place for them to eat?" Colby said. "How would he order?"

"Maybe Amy would order for him?" Sam suggested.

"Well, it won't happen because we're going to go in there disguised as workers," Colby said as he dragged his friend around the back.

"Colby, I think your over reacting," Says Sam. "But if it makes you feel better, we can go ahead and go in," he continued. "But the second something goes wrong, I'm out of there and letting you take the fall,"

"Gee thanks man, you're a great friend," Colby said. They entered the restaurant dressed in serving outfits, Sean had arrived at the restaurant to see that Sam and Colby were walking in. Sean quickly jumped out of the car and tried to enter the restaurant, but the worker had stopped him immediately.

"Sorry sir, but only those with reservations can enter," says the worker.

"Sir, I must get in please let me," Sean begged.

"Sure," Says the worker as he faked like he would let Sean enter only for the worker to keep Sean from entering the restaurant. "Once you make a reservation," Sean groaned as a sudden idea had gotten to him. He turned and walked away but rather than getting back in a car, he quickly turned into an alleyway and saw the staff only door. A smirk appeared on his face as he used his water powers to turn invisible. Sean waited until one of the staff workers entered through the door where he immediately made his move. Sean walked through the staff door before it closed behind him. While he had finally gotten into the restaurant, he saw Colby carrying a glass of some sort of orange liquid. Sean's eyes widened as he realized what Colby was planning to do, if Colby spilled the orange stuff on Mark then Mark might end up lashing out on him leaving a bad impression on Amy.

"Is this all the orange juice you could find?" Colby asked Sam. Sam nodded his head and tried to act casual around the other workers. Colby smirked and walked out of the kitchen. Sean followed and took a seat at one of the empty tables, he turned visible and waited for the right time to cover Colby in orange juice. Meanwhile, Mark and Amy were getting ready to order but because Mark could not talk he mostly wrote his order down on a napkin and handed it over to the waiter. The waiter looked at the napkin and nodded his head toward Mark.

"What about you miss?" asked the waiter.

"Just give me a garden salad, thank you," Amy said. "With a glass of water," Once the waiter agreed, he walked away leaving Mark and Amy alone. Colby looked over and saw that the waiter had already left and as he was walking toward their table Sean turned invisible and walked over to the rug that Colby had been standing on. He grabbed the rug by two ends and pulled it out from under Colby. Colby yelped in fright as he fell backwards allowing the orange juice to spill all over him. 

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