Chapter Eleven

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Everyone in the restaurant turned to see that Colby was laying on his back covered in sticky juice. Amy and Mark had looked over to see what had happened, the minute they saw Colby covered in juice Amy had gotten really pissed off. Sean turned visible and looked over at Mark with a thumbs up, Mark started laughing though no sound came out. However, before Sean could even walk over the door greeter saw him and was furious.

"Hey, you!" the worker exclaimed talking about Sean.

"I know what it looks like," says Sean as he backs away from the worker. "But I wasn't trying to sneak in,"

"How did you get in here?!" the worker exclaimed.

"The same way I'm going out," Sean turned and ran for the kitchen. The worker grumbled and chased after Sean through the kitchen.

"Get back here you little sneak!" The worker exclaimed.

"I will," Says Sean. "Nice restaurant you got here!" The other workers watched in fright as the chase was being commenced, though as he was racing toward the staff only door, the worker grabbed Sean by the arm and dragged him out of the kitchen toward the exit. "Hey! Loosen that grip will ya!" the worker led Sean out of the restaurant and shoved him onto the sidewalk.

"Now don't come in here unless you have a reservation!" the worker said and closed the door behind him.

"I hate the human world," Sean said, all he knew was that Amy and Mark's date was saved at least for now. Meanwhile back at the restaurant, Amy got up from the table and walked over to Colby who held out his so she could help him up. Rather than helping him up, she glared at him.

"Colby? What are you doing here?!" Amy asked in annoyance.

"I came to see you," says Colby but Amy did not agree.

"Nice try Cole, I know what your trying to do, and it's ridiculous!" Amy exclaimed. "You'll never give up on the marriage thing! But get this through your thick skull, I will never marry you!" She continued. "Now get up and leave!" Colby got up and grabbed a napkin from one of the tables, He began drying himself off as he walked over to Mark, setting his hand on the table he looked Mark right in the eyes.

"I hope you enjoy your little date, because I won't stop until it's over between you two," Colby said. However, Mark was unphased by Colby's words, he stood up and looked at Colby trying to make himself taller. Even though Mark was two inches taller than Colby, Colby still seemed slightly terrified and stormed out of the restaurant.

"Good riddance," says Amy she sat back down on her seat and sighed. Mark placed a reassuring hand on Amy's arm. Amy looked at Mark with a smile on her face as their food had finally arrived. After a nice meal, Mark and Amy walked out of the restaurant making sure to leave a tip for the waiter. They walked through town as Amy had been showing him around. They stopped at a farmers Market where Mark had been amazed to see the different areas. Colby hadn't been too far behind as was Sean. They had arrived at the farmers market which was going to be hard keeping an eye on Mark and Colby at the same time considering there were many people looking at different booths.

Sean searched for Colby until his eyes landed on him by a jewelry booth. Sean turned invisible and watched as Colby took something from the booth without the worker realizing it. Sean knew exactly what Colby was about to do and quickly made his move. Colby walked toward Mark who was staying close to Amy. When Sean looked over at them he saw that Mark and Amy were holding hands. A sigh of relief escaped from Sean as he felt that they were getting closer to the kiss. However, Colby was about to hand the bracelet to Mark when Sean walked over and took the bracelet before Colby could give it to him.

"What the hell?" Colby said to himself and saw that the bracelet was floating in the air. It was placed back where it was as Colby frowned.

"Why don't you just give up Colby," says Sean. Colby looked around unable to see Sean wondering where that voice had been coming from. "Be glad that Amy is actually happy because that stunt you tried to pull in that restaurant was not cool,"

"Where are you?" Colby asked into nothing. But Sean had been right behind him, "Come out so I can see you!" Though the minute Colby had said that people around him looked at Colby with confusion. Embarrassment flashed over Colby's face as he took off out of the marketplace. He had until the afternoon when Amy planned to take Mark out onto the water. If he could do something to destroy the relationship then that's the only option he had. Sean laughed to himself as he watched Colby run away from the marketplace. This time however, he had to go and find Mark and try to get things moving faster than they had previously.

The day was starting to fade away fast which meant that they only had one day left to get Amy to kiss Mark or else Mark could end up getting taken by the sea witch. While Colby had possibly gone back to the castle, Sean went to search for Mark and Amy only to find them getting into a boat and paddling out into the ocean. Making sure that it went well with the kiss, Sean jumped into the water and turned himself back into a merman. Once his tail appeared he popped his head out of the water and watched the boat head just off the shore of the land.

"This is going to be a long evening," Sean said to himself and dove under the water. 

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