First sight

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Hi there I love boys I just wonder what it feels like to kiss one, but I just hope there is some one out there for me, I live in Hollywood.

My name is June I always want to know how much I love Hollywood. But one day I always think of my move for the first time,this is when I start to get dirty.
I'm 20 years old live by my self and single.

I always get hit boy a boy which is a wrong, person to get hit. But I didn't realize how bad it hurts which makes me wants more.

I fucking hate this shit I started to pull out my gun, but nope I save one good reason, but wondering why I shouldn't fall in love for my first sight.

It start out when I was still in college, yeah I can't believe I am still in fucking collage. But it doesn't matter i'm still still trying to fine love. My first love is Jack will he isn't that cool, but he's very smart.

Jack came trod me he had no idea who he, is messing with. He told me that he loves me that was my first love. But I dump him he got pissed off and quit school, Hhm I don't even know why he quit school.

This time when I walked trod the class I tilt my head, and I look at the boy in the class, the teacher told everyone to sit. I just don't get why school is so fun for the geek.

Everyone started to stare at the other girl she's so, pretty but me Hhm I didn't even care of looking at her, but she care. She came trod me and said what are you looking at my boobs what are you gay June? They laugh yeah right I wouldn't care if you are.

Everyone was shocked at me the teacher, put me into detention. I got up on my desk and then walked out I put my middle finger, on her it was amazing I love it so much.

Hhm she's always getting into trouble teacher, what are you going to do about it? Mia looked at me and was surprised yep, if you want to know who is Mia she's my sister.

Mom is gonna be mad, and your not gonna tell mom. You need to stop going to detention every time, who are you my Mayer. Mia June come on where gonna be late.

Coming mom I don't even know why I am living with these weird, people. I'm going out June did get you get into detention again.

Whatever she also flunk out of school, why you. Mommy she scaring me, you go upstairs now. Hhm whatever I don't even want to go out any way.

Your dad won't be happy for this he'll be angry, go on and tell him he'll hit me but I wouldn't care.

The new car came in to the new house I started to stared, at the window. I gasp but I didn't know who it was.

Now Luke you know what I said yeah yeah, oh darling you going to get a new class mate, why did we have to move why can we just say in the old house?

When that boy looked at the house he saw me, I was hiding, fuck I can't believe he saw me. Hey dad i'm gonna go see our neighbors, OK don't go to far OK auntie.

Oh craps he's coming this way I heard a door bell, my mom open the door and let Luke inside.

Oh come in are you a friend with my daughter? No i'm new here in this town use to be a city boy, but my dad got a new job. Oh that great well make yourself at home, mom who's this? Mia this is Luke, Luke this is my daughter
Mia can you get the plate?

OK mom, um is there anyone else in here? Yes my other daughter her name is June, Hhm is it OK if I can go upstairs and talk to her. Of course, just get ready for supper thank you ma'am.

I look at him like I couldn't stop staring at him, hey your mom let me in my name is Luke, whats your name?

Geeze mom should be careful who she let in the house, Hhm you think i'm a bugler? No I just don't trust no one. Luke Luke where are you? Fuck that's my dad I have to go, see you later. Yeah see yeah, June Luke its supper time.

Oh I cant have dinner with you guy's but thanks, oh why not? Um, because mom he needs to go, oh why did you have to interrupt him. But thank you yeah leave now bye. Honey that a bit harsh whatever let's have dinner.

I think sis is in love, Shut up i'm home oh darling, your home I hope you are having a great day from work. Daddy! Hey hows my baby? I'm good dad, June how are you? i'm fine dad. My mom whisper to my dad ear he looks mad said Mia.

You got Dentition today? Its not a big deal i'm leaving. I'm very disappointed of you, whatever i'm going out i'm taking you to a time out.

But that's not fair i'm 20 years old and I don't need, parents permission. Yes you do, I want back upstairs and started to slam the door. Geeze what a nerve, Mia, OK mom ill be upstairs too, that's a good girl.

I just wander why? Why am I still in this house where I can leave some where else? I graduated from high school and now i'm not feeling like  graduating from college.

I'm just not gonna argue with my parents anymore, I fell asleep and it was wonderful, the alarm clock woke me up.

Shit i'm late for school why the fuck did you, not wake me up. Watch your mouth, mommy can I have chocolate chip cookies, mommy can I have chocolate chip cookies, mom she's mocking me again.

June stop mocking your sister, whatever I'm going to school. She has a crush on the new kid shut up no I fucking don't. Hey June, Jack what are you doing here? I send him here so you won't flunk out again.

Hhm I thought he quit school Jack I did but i'm your babysitter, now. DAD, sorry June but you can't have a boyfriend also, but I can date whoever I like.

Sorry but nope, as I run outside to get rid of Jack, but it wasn't easy. As I accidentally bump into someone it was, Luke. Oh sorry I forgot to tell you my last name, my last name is Nikolai Luke Nikolai, how about your's?

Mine is Lynn June Lynn, Hhm June Lynn I like it. JUNE stay away from her, easy who are you? I'm her boyfriend, no your not we broke up like Three weeks ago.

June I still love you, you can't just say you still love me, because i'm in love with someone else, who June who are you in love with?

Wait are you in love with this new kid? No i'm in love with myself, so i'm sorry I can't be with you. Hhm OK if that's what you want, but i'm still watching you.

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