Luke caution

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Im happy that June got out of the game but when I was still in the game I was wording how long have we been on this game?

Then someone picked me as there charachter but before someone picked me, June said that we where in the came for three months.

I was shocked then the wind picked up out of know where, I saw Jack and he is the one who picked me.

I just hope Jack is not doing any of funny stuff around June when I was gone, next when Jack try to pick which clients, to play againts me I hope it's not her dad he scares me but it was him.

I never liked you Luke your the one took my daughter, look I didn't want to do this to you but, I have to.

Then I started to attack him, you won yes I did it. Great Job, craps he just kiss her.

Whoaaaaa im back now ill have to fine Jack, as I found my bike I started ride it then I found, June with Jack.

Eh get off of me, HEY LEAVE HER ALONE, ouch damn that hurt Luke. Oh yeah I forgot I won the game.

Heh I should of let you stay in that game, forever. Luke get me out of here now, Whats a problem June do you hate fighting?

JACK STOP IT YOUR JUST MAKING IT WORST! Come on Luke, awwww poor Luke cant fight Hahah.

My eye they got mad very mad I started running, tord him then I punch him in the face three time.

I run tord June we hold hand and she said nothing, but getting in the bike. My dad saw us he was surprised, he thought I was dead.

Dad it looks like you saw a ghost, You guys where gone for Three months, June was right it's now 2021 and its not 2019 anymore.

Dad im so sorry, Luke I have to tell you something. I saw someone with a baby in my house, I was shocked.


My dad give me a slap on my face, I got mad at him, im leaving im taking June with me.

I packed my stuff and walked out of the house, June let go. June sighed and look down, what's wrong June?

I can't go with you, I was shocked I didn't know what to say, wait is she saying she wants to break up, Luke I I June cried and she sniff.

Luke I can't be with you anymore my Aunt, is in the hospital, my grandma past away, im sorry.

Fine I hoped on the motorcycle bike, I stoped at the hotel, I want the club give me a wine.

Aren't you a bit young screw this im out I kicked the trash can, damn it Whoa there are you that mad?

Who the fuck are you? Relax im Maggie you should check on your girlfriend, eh how did you know I had a girlfriend?

I was watching you all, What? I was watching you guys to see if you are ok but, it looks like you are not.

I started to sigh, I wish I just wish we can be back together, but you can go have fun with her.

Your right Maggie thank you don't just stand there, go. I hoped on my bike I ring the doorbell, oh hi wcan I help you?

Im looking for June, oh you know my daughter? What is going on? Sorry to brother it's ok.

I knock, dad I need your help something is wrong, DAD. Son you are back I took my head away, dad I need help.

Something is wrong I think something happened to, Mr.Lynn and June. Lets go see we want to my neighbor they looked poison.

Eh what! Relax there not poison poison they just forgot who you are, So how do I break it? Will number one you can kiss her so she can remember you and you forget her.

Whats the second one your try to let her remember you so you can keep the memories, of her's.

Will have no use to do it, I grabbed June hey what is your problem, I like Jack get off of me.

JACK JACK HELP, I kissed her on the lips that will be my last kiss remembering her.

I don't think I remember anything, I looked, at June but I don't remember her.

Luke omg are you ok? Yeah one thing who are you? Luke why did you kiss me?

Huh kiss you are you a striper? I didn't know what I was saying, but it just like a sad lonely person.

I only remember my dad and aunt I want in the house, try to remember. What is her name? I only see the picture of us in college it was still summer not that I don't care of.

But I can't believe I saw the picture of us, a picture of us laughing. A picture of us at the beach, and also a pictures of us in the cave.

The last time I remember is that I was helping June, eh the picture that's when I remember.

I heard a knock and it was June, you found the picture, of us. Im sorry but I still don't remember you, you hve to remember.

Just try to remember me she sobbed and started to cry, her tears come running down.

I saw the poison, I walked away from her, this is a potion to help you to remember.

Stay that away from me, she started to drink it. Then she started to kiss me, it was wonderful kiss.

I started to remember everything eh, I started to get dizzy it means it was working. That potion gave me my memories of her and our friends, and one or two enemies.

I remember you June your my will use to be my, girlfriend. I don't care about that Luke im just glad we are here together.

But who did this to you? I know who, she got mad. We both ran tord Jack, she push Jack.

And she said, HEY JACK, She punch him, ouch with fuck was that for. You poison me so I can forget Luke.

Yeah so what? She push him again, eh you know I don't give a fuck about you. You need to stop, heh did you forget heh you broke up with him.

YEAH I DID BUT IT DOESN'T GIVE YOU RIGHT TO DO THAT TO US!! But we are back together now so you can have fun for your life.

Come on Luke she hold my hand we hoped on my bike, THIS ISN'T OVER LUKE YOU HEAR ME THIS ISN'T OVER!!

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