Lady Dimitrescu x Son!reader

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A/n: warning this is an AU , I've never finished any of the RE games plus the newest one doesn't have much info except one extremely hot mommy who's taking the r34 and RE community by the storm.

Castle Dimitrescu , Eastern Europe 1958

Located near a small village , castle Dimitrescu was very well known for it's wine of exquisite taste, it was a home to four people, the two "daughters" of Alcina, (y/n) son of the mistress of the castle, and finally Lady Dimitrescu , the current owner of the castle

You may think a family of nobles like this have it easy and have a perfect family, but that statement wasn't true in this case. (Y/n) and his mother have grown distant over the last 12 years, with (y/n) constantly leaving the castle to wander in the forest or the wine gardens while his mother has been busy with the wine business as there was no one else to take care of all the paperwork and winemaking

Currently it's 8 am and (y/n) is walking down the corridor passing by his "sister's" room

"Hey Monica? I'm going out, wanna go with me? You've been cooped up in there for almost a week."

I knocked on her rooms door hearing some shuffling around

"No! GO AWAY!"

Monica's muffled shout reached me as i gained an annoyed expression

"Okay, okay! I can hear you! No need to yell, jeez"

With a sigh the "young" master came down the stairs and put up his hood before leaving the castle once again, as he was taking a shortcut around the castle he passed by his mother's opened window hearing a bit of her conversation while she's on the phone

"Yes, yes everything is fine mother, the children are behaving well..... (Y/n)? What about him?...... absolutely NOT! No one is good enough for my little boy! Goodbye, mother!"

(Y/n) could see Alcina frowning before sighing deeply and resting her forehead on her palms, he scoffed before walking away headed to the forest

"Stupid mother, what was she even talking about?? Wish we could be as close like we used to decades ago...."

Going deeper into the forest i began reminiscing of what mother and i had long ago

[Flashback 19 years ago]

Poland 1939, Castle Malbork

'Finally... After days of traveling we've made it, hopefully we'll be able to stay here longer...'

The younger and more lively looking (y/n) thought as he threw his satchel on the wooden floor before going to Alcina

"Oh (y/n) dear, is something the matter?"

Alcina answered to her son's tugging at her dress, said boy raised both his arms up while looking up at his tall mother who gained a sweet motherly smile

"How do you like this place so far?"

"It's more than i expected i guess..., but i wouldn't mind few more pillows to lie on"

As he said that he snuggled his head in her very generous bossom making Alcina blush slightly

"(Y/n), my sweet little baby. I know these are hard times we're having, but i promise you, I'll always be there for you"

Seeing that (y/n) is still a bit gloomy , Alcina got an idea that might lift her son's spirits

"You know... There's this inn where a small group of people is staying for the night"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"I'm more than sure that three of them have A+ blood type~"

Mom finished in a sing song voice clearly teasing me

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