Kill la kill x Father!male reader part1

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(a/n): so I finally figured out how to properly post stories on DeviantArt so let's get into this

(Y/n)'s Kamui Kibō = Hope


Also thanks to for helping me out with the name for the kamui so go check him out!

(Y/n)'s p.o.v. present time

"*Sigh* this is gonna take forever!" I angrily said looking at the Kamui I've been working on, "plus I don't have much time before.... SHE comes..." I got up from my chair and went into my room to look at the album I've been hiding under my bed , I sat on the bed and opened the book to look at the images in it "our wedding..." Ahhh yes the 'wedding day' picture , the most rarest picture I ever owned, I would do anything just to keep it from any harm, so I put it to the safest place I know, my jeans pocket, no worries, the picture is wrapped in life fibers so it's 100% condition Everyday, now that I'm talking about life fibers I've created a pair of scissors made out of hardened life fibers Wich can cut and kill life fibers I named them....... Rending scissors.... I know, it's dumb but , Don't blame me! I don't have time for thinking about names! Also, there's ryuko..... I.... Regret everything I've done to my little girl.... But I'm doing it for her own good and safety.... Let's just hope she'll come and we can have a talk about everything.... *Beep* *beep* "hmmm?" Hiding the album back under the bed I got up and walked out of the room to see that the kamui is finally done "perfect, now I need to-" before I finished something flashed through the cameras "shit...." I sprinted towards the kamui and hide it under some blankets behind me "now let's see where she is..." I looked through the cameras seeing nothing 'damn, where is Nui?!' i looked through the cameras seeing only empty halls and rooms suddenly there were footsteps alongside with giggles behind me "huh? What are you doing down here?" I looked behind me seeing her.... Nui harime "I'm just here to play!" I sweatdropped at this 'still acting like a kid but, hey she's my half-daughter I guess... Well if-' before thinking more Nui's face was in my face "hmm, you seem distracted by something!" I sighed being little sad to do this but, I can try something.... "I guess I can't get out of here before you get what you want" she giggled and widely smiled at me "ding-ding-ding! That's right!" Nui then attacked at me with a measuring tape but I dodged easily but, she cut my lab coat a little, I continue to dodge and I grabbed the tape bring her to me and kicked her in the gut making her vomit a little, so I touched my beard and repaired the lab coat "oooh, a shape memory lab coat huh? To able to do that you've must have got life fibers into it! Yayyyy I can play for real now!" She chirped happily attacking me with sharpened measuring tape in speed I that was pathetic to me but I pretend to be getting hit and hurt by those pitiful attacks, at one point she send me through a wall walking slowly towards the hole she made 'fuck, now's the Time to use you my precious!' I grabbed the rending scissors and got ready to attack hearing her say some nonsense! I swinged the scissors destroying her measuring tape and making a cut in an 'x' in her stomach 'sorry nui' I raised the scissors "this is what I've been doing in here, it took me some time and new furniture to create these , they can cut and kill life fibers... Sadly they're named..... *Sigh* rending scissors" I said sadly "jeez doc. That's a terrible name" I chuckled "tell me about it" then I started slashing at her trying not to kill her as she thought she had the high ground here "I bet it takes a lot of strength to use those" I raised my eyebrow "actually, they're pretty light" she 'hmph' "stop being a smartass , I'm supposed to have fun!" She then appeared right in front of me and slashed me with scissors she took away from me "gosh, these really can cut life fibers! That's our doctor matoi for ya!" I smiled a little being glad to hear someone appreciating my work , but while I wasn't at guard she stabbed me with the scissors "argh!" I grunted in pain as the blood oozed from my body '(Y/N)!' I looked to my left seeing a horrified Kibō crying out to me 'don't worry, I got everything under control' I whispered but that didn't help as she continued to try to get out of the wardrobe that's locked up "so how does it fee-" before Nui could continue to torture me my picture had fallen from my pocket "n-no" I try reaching for it but Nui grabbed in faster "hmm? What's this! What could an old ma-" she seemed to just shut down as soon as she turned the picture around and memories started to flood into her mind


A small blond baby girl was in a crib lying peacefully until her window opened and someone walked through it, "aw look at you, a healthy baby girl" the man said getting closer to her crib worrying her "don't be afraid my child, daddy's here" man said smiling at her (in a kind way u pedo) "your mom would be really angry to see me now but I just had to see you!" Man said happily picking up Nui and kissing her forehead "I'm sorry I can't be with you more Nui.... But maybe in the future, we'll meet again!" Man said with his typical wide smile and dissapeared

~another flashback~

A 5 years old Nui was in her room playing with her stuffed animals "hmm I love my mommy and sister!" And other cute things like that but then windows to Nui's room opened revealing the same man 5 years ago , Nui didn't recognized the man so of course she was scared "w-who are y-you!" The man raised his hands saying "I mean no harm, I'm just here to check on my daughter" Nui looked wide eyed at the man "but, but mommy said-" man took hold of Nui's shoulders "do not listen to that nonsense she's saying" man used his usual smile "hmm, I'll have to go now" he said getting up and walking towards the window "w-wait!" Nui shouted stopping the man making him turn around "what's your name?" Man smiled widely and said happily "my name is!-

~flashback ends~

"(Y/n)... kiryuin...." Nui quietly said looking at the bleeding man before her before putting all the pieces together

"So, you finally figured it out eh?" (Y/n) said looking at her , but Nui just dropped the purple scissors and without emotions she dropped to her knees and hugged (y/n) tightly to her "Nui what are you?-" before he could continue she started sobbing making his already bloodied lab coat wet "d-daddy i-" however (y/n) shushed her hugging her back "Nui listen to me" she stopped sobbing "mhm?"he smiled "just promise me you'll come to talk to me every time we meet and also now you are with me not ragyo, when I say something you'll do it! Just make sure no one blows your cover" Nui giggled "oh daddy! No worries I'm your daughter so there's no way that's gonna happen!" (Y/n) chuckled before hugging his Nui "I love you now , take this sword and go!" I said as she nodded and runned away "sorry for stabbing you! Bye daddy!" Nui shouted running away and seconds after Ryuko came through the doors seeing the mess everywhere "dad?" Ryuko asked then suddenly saw her old man pressed against the wall with scissors stabbed in him "dad! Dad!! Hang on!!" Ryuko yelled "ryuko shut up and listen! If you want to live a peaceful life then leave but... If you want to continue *pulls out the scissor* my fight *throws scissor to ryuko* you're gonna need that" ryuko looked confused and angry "what do you mean fight?!" (Y/n) took ahold of ryuko's shoulders and looked right into her eyes "if you find the other half of that scissor, you'll find my killer, but a Cruel fate lies in store for you" then ryuko noiticed the shine of Nui's half "hey! Hold it!" And running after her "ryuko! Come back! Let her go! I haven't told you everything!!!" .... The male was sitting there "ugh, I tried" he then pulled out a cigarette and lit it, "ahhh , that's what I needed" he said smoking his cigar 'wait.... Is that gas that I'm smelling?....' the cigarette then dropped from his Mouth "oh for fuc-

B O O O O O M!!!!!!!!!!!!

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