Chapter 10 : Sister

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y/n POV : 

I wake up cuddling with my girlfriend and I just admire her face wondering how can someone be so beautiful especially in the morning. I carefully slip out of her arms putting Kuma in my place and go to grab some clothes from my shared room with my sister quietly so I don't wake her. I quickly go to the bathroom to get ready and I walk out running into someone. It's Jisoo. 

"Sorry unnie." I say and she just chuckles tiredly then her eyes widen. 

"y/n!" She whisper shouts and pushes her finger against my neck which caused me pain. 

"Ow!" I say and I move to the mirror and see a couple small hickeys and one large hickey. "Oh fuck Chae is gonna kill me!" 

"Why am I gonna kill yo-" My sister walks from behind Jisoo and stops mid sentence seeing my neck. 

She doesn't say anything but walks towards the living room but she doesn't stop there she keep walking. I realize she's going to Jennie's room. Ah shit. Jisoo and I quickly follow and I see my sister rip Jennie's pillow from under her head and starts hitting her with it waking Jennie up instantly. 

"What the hell?!" She yells trying to cover herself. 

"That! *hits* My! *hits* Little! *hits* Sister! *hits*" Rosé says. 

"Damn! Get her Chae!" I hear from behind me and I see Lisa with a smile on her face cheering on my sister. 

Jisoo hits the back of her head. 

"I didn't do anything!" Jennie says and catches the pillow taking it away from Rosé. 

"Those fuckin hickeys on her neck! No one knows about you guys besides us! What you think is going to happen when the makeup people see her neck?!" Rosé says and Jennie looks down. 

"I didn't think about that. I was just in the moment and wasn't thinking. All I did think was that she's my girlfriend." She says. 

"Just next time think and don't fuckin do it when I'm under the same room that gross." My sister says and grabs a stuffed animal from Jennie's bed hitting her in the face with it. 

"I get it!" She says and Rosé leaves the room grabbing my wrist dragging me to the kitchen pulling out a spoon from the freezer. "You have to be more careful."

She puts the cold spoon on my neck and I hold it for her. 

"I wasn't thinking. I was just enjoying the moment with my girlfriend." I say and she sighs. 

"I get that but we're not allowed to date and same sex relationships is an even bigger thing." She says. 

"I know." I say and she grabs an ice pack putting it on the other side. 

"I also don't want you to move too fast and get hurt again. I love you both and don't want either of you to get hurt." She says. 

"I love you unnie." I say and I give her a hug and she squeezes me tight. 

"I love you too." She says and we put the stuff back in the freezer. 

"At least we only have to go into the recording studio." I say brighting the mood. 

"Yup so I suggest to wear a turtle neck or a scarf." She says. 

"Noooooo." I hear Jennie whine and wraps her arms around me giving me a back hug. "I like knowing other people know she's off the market." 

"We have a dating ban so technically we are already off the market." Rosé says rolling her eyes and I turn my head giving Jennie a peck on the lips. 

"Unnie can we get some food?" I ask. 

"What do you want?" She asks and I just shrug. "Oatmeal?" 

"Yeah!" I say. 

She gets a pot and starts making it for me and I pull Jennie and I to the couch laying on it. She sits down putting my legs on her lap rubbing my calf. 

"Here, I already put sugar in it." My sister says handing me a bowl. 

"Thank you unnie!" I say and sit up. 

I blow on it before taking a bite then I take another spoonful doing the same thing but feeding Jennie. 

"Hmm it's good Rosie!" Jennie says and lift me closer to her. 

Lisa comes over sitting next to me on the couch and turns the tv on. I feel Lisa lean against me making me turn my head to see her with her mouth open signaling she wants to some oatmeal. I laugh feeding her and Rosé comes with a bowl for Lisa. 

"Awwww thank you Chae!" Lisa says and Rosé goes back in the kitchen to make a bowl for Jisoo and herself. 

I hear Jennie whine so I look at her thinking she wants another bite of food but she shakes her head when I hold up the spoon and puckers her lips. I give her a kiss and then another and another. 

"Better?" I ask and she nods. 

I lay my head on her shoulder putting the bowl on the table and Jennie wraps her arms around me. 

"I would have liked to wake up to you this morning." She says quietly in my ear.

"I didn't want to wake you and I didn't like my morning breath." I say and she rolls her eyes. 

"Teddy oppa says to be there at 3:30 so we have a bit of free time." Jisoo says. 

Time Skip

We arrive in the studio on time and we walk in to see Teddy sitting in his chair and we sit on the couch and the chairs. 

"Oppa!" I say and he laughs. 

"So I am going to show some demo and let me know if you have any inputs." He says and we nod as he plays the first song. 

It's called 'Really' and I liked the beat and everything. Lisa and I were vibing. 

"Aye that was nice!" Lisa says. 

He shows us three more songs and I loved all of them. We get in the studio and started with 'Ddu du ddu du'. I did my part and it was time for Jennie's rap and holy shit. 

"Rapper Jennie!!!!" I say and she laughs cause Teddy had his hand on the speaker button. 

"Alright I think it's time to call it guys." Teddy says looking at his phone seeing it's 3 am. 

"Thank you oppa!" We all say and exit exhausted. 

We go back home and go to bed right away. I am sleeping with Jennie and she is already knocked out. I am about to fall asleep but I hear whimpers so I slip out of Jennie's arm carefully. I follow the sound to Lisa's room. I gently knock on the door opening it to see Lisa curled up crying. 

"Lisa unnie what's wrong?" I ask softly getting in her bed. 

She sits up wiping her eyes and I notice her phone in her hand. 

"Just stupid comments." She says and I just hold her and she sobs harder. 

"Don't listen to them. They're just jealous okay? You are perfect. You belong here. You have the girls and me. I love you and they love you. You have so many Blinks who love you too. Please don't listen to what jealous people are saying. You are loved, you are needed, you are wanted, you are cared for." I say and I wipe her tears as she hold onto me tighter. 

"I love you too y/n/n." She says. 

"I need you unnie. You're like my older sister who is Chaeyoung unnie's twin." I say and she laughs a bit sniffling. 

I lock her phone putting it on her nightstand and lay down next to her. 

"Thank you for coming in." She says calming down. 

"Always." I say and we both fall asleep. 

No one hurts my Lisa. 

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