Pog for me baby

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Our story begins with a group of adventurers living in the medieval kingdom of Larion. The kingdom is filled with small villages and thatched cottages and has been relatively peaceful until now. The adventurers are on a quest to find the magical staff of Zalos. They walk through the forest and notice a band of mountain dwarves. The dwarves are friendly and offer them food and drink. Then one of the dwarves turns to them and says that he has bad news. The evil wizard Tharain has finally succeeded in opening up a portal to the infernal world and is on his way back to his home plane. > Dream mLG water buckets out the plane. Your eyes shut close. You fall as if you were being pulled down by a great force. Then something rips through your chest and out your back. Your heart and lungs burst from your body. > george is British. The demon's claw pierces your chest and blood spurts out. You feel the claws rip through your chest, tearing out your heart as you scream. > george cries for dream and sapnap. "George...?" Your eyes snap open. You are back in your bed in the flickering candlelight. You gasp for air and feel as if you're drowning. > Dream doo doo doo doo. The howl of a wolf shatters the silence of the forest. You feel a pain rip through your chest. Then you feel nothing. "Ah! Fuck!" > Dream hardened clay. > george says "i-it twas just a dream?" You roll to your side and gasp for air. Blaise's body is cold and unmoving next to you. You try to speak, but can only wheeze."A bad dream, at least." "Yeah." The adventurer's story had ended rather inconclusively. Though the man claimed that the dwarves were slaughtered by a demon, there were no corpses found. > Dream walks into the room to see george. You roll to your knees and gasp for air. You feel the blood drain from you face and the world begin to spin. As you try to focus you spot the figure of a middle-aged man enter the room. > Dream looks at george. You stare at your friend and notice that he is clutching his arm. His face is pale and his eyes are full of fear. "D-d-dream...?" > george "who are you" george asks the middle aged man. "I... I am the Baron. We need to leave." "Leave? Why?" "There's a demon, a great black wolf. He's killed everyone in my castle." "A demon?" > Dream looks to george and smiles. "A demon? Ha-ha! Terrific!" George laughs. Baron's face is grim. "There is no time for your levity. We need to leave." > george "this demon...must be RANBOO!!!" The baron smiles tightly and raises a pistol. "You may be right." > Dream "what are we supposed to do?" "You heard the baron. We must leave." "But what...?" "I don't know, just go!" > george "but im scared" "You should've thought of that before you got yourself into this mess." "B-but..." The gun flashes. George's eyes widen and he falls backwards. > Dream "its going to be okay george" You take George's hand and stand. The demon howls and you wonder if it had noticed you were leaving. But the baron motions for the group to follow him. > Dream leaves with george. The group hurriedly leaves the forest. They run for a long while, but eventually they stop and find that they have left the kingdom far behind and are in a foreign land. > george dream and george begin the hike to meet the demon ranboo. You and George walk along the road. Since the baron's death, you have been appointed leader of the journey, which was unanimously approved by the group. > Dream "wait I hear something" > george "now that im the leader...can someone give me a hug?" You stop and listen. You hear the noise again. It is coming from the road. You look at the group and point to the road. "Someone left a horse behind." "Horse?"You freeze. Everyone turns and stares at you. "What?! What's wrong with everyone?" "You're weird." "He's an asshole." "Get away from us." > Dream hugs george. You hug George and feel him patting your back. It makes you feel even better. After a few seconds you notice that the others are staring at you as well. You blush and let go of the hug. > george "let us go kill the horse, so we can feast on its flesh!!" You nod and search for the horse. It has already disappeared. > Dream "spirit the horse died a while ago george" You shake your head and point to the road. At this point, you are unsure of what is out there. A horse? A demon? A ghost? You pull out your sword. > george "fuck" george sighed. You walk towards the road, sword in hand. You are unsure of what to do. "Maybe we should follow the horse..." someone says. "We should find out what happened" another chimes in. > Dream "lets go kill ranboo" You nod and begin to follow the road. The road is empty except for the two of you. After walking for a few minutes, you come to a fork in the road. > george "lets go left" "Let's go left." The road continues to the right, but a tunnel leading further into the mountains is on your left. > Dream "im scared of the dark george" "Don't be, I'll keep you safe." You hold onto his hand tightly and feel a bit calmer. The tunnel is dimly lit, but the further you walk, the brighter it gets. > george feels dream shake from fear. "Don't be scared, we're almost there." You hear a voice. You feel your heart race and hold onto George's arm tightly. "We're here." > Dream holds on tightly to george. You look around and notice that you are outside a cabin. The sun is setting, casting a beautiful violet hue over the sky. You notice George's eyes shining and smile at him. > george "you look beautiful in this light dream...the sunset does you justice~!" You blush. "Thank you George." "Anytime my dear." The two of you walk into the cabin. "So, how have you been?" "I've been alright." You reply. > Dream "i could be better..." George nods in agreement. "Would you like something to drink?" "Yeah sure." George goes over and pours himself a glass of wine. He takes a sip and sighs contentedly. > george get drunk af. You chuckle while George downs the rest of his wine. "Let me get you some more." George goes over to a nearby wine rack and pulls out another bottle of wine. > Dream "are you nervous for the fight" "Perhaps." "Don't worry, I'll be there to help you." George smiles. The two of you clink your glasses and chug the wine. "Good luck today, my friend." > Dream smiles at george. "Thanks for having me." George smiles back. "I'll be praying for you, alright?" "Thanks." > george tipsily says "im scared ranboo might be too big of a challenge for us to defeat...this demon...i fear" You pull George closer to you. He returns the hug, patting your back. "Don't be scared, I'm sure we can do it." "I sure hope so..." > Dream "as long as we have eachother, we can do anything" dream smiles. George laughs. "I think we should do it right now, before the sun comes up!" "What?! But..." You feel dizzy, and stand up. George stands up as well. > george "hey dream...we can do something else...WE CAN DO EACHOTHER" (sex). You blush heavily. "I...um...just no~!" George raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean no?" "I mean no, we can't have sex!" you yell. > Dream "s-sex...?" "Oh...!" "Yeah, why not?" "I don't know...!" "We can do each other." George grins and touches your hand. > george "will we go to hell for this?" "I don't think so, but you should probably ask god first." George laughs. "Alright, let's do it!" The two of you drop to your knee and start doing each other. > Dream smiles and inches closer to george. "Do you want me to go deeper?" "Yeah...!" You moan and continue doing George. You get up on your tip-toes and kiss him while continuing to do George. > george "AH AH AH YOU FEEL SO GOOD!!" "Yeah...do your thing ranboo." You put your hands in his hair and moan loudly while doing George. Your hands wander south of course. "Ah! I'm gonna...I'm gonna..." > Dream "you are so sexy george" George moans in your ear and bites your earlobe while thrusting strongly. "Harder! Fuck me harder!" You put more effort and start to kiss him. > george "deam~" george purrs. You let go of the kiss, and grab the back of his neck, pulling him into another kiss. Your tongues intertwine, and you thrust harder. You both moan into the kiss. "I love you!" > Dream kisses georges neck. "I love you to ranboo." The two of you try not to make any noise during your encounter. You come first, and you moan into his shoulder as you release onto his chest. > george screams "DADDY!!" to dream. The scream of a little boy brings you back to reality. You and George both sit up and look to the source of the scream. It's Ranbore, but he isn't waking up. > george "are we fathers?" "I don't know son, we're going to find out I guess." You hear the cries of a baby in the next room through the door. You stand up and walk over to it, opening the door. > Dream gives george hickey. You leave George a hickey and kiss him, while he smiles nervously. "What's that for?" "Cause you're damn sexy." "Thanks...so are you." > george in the room beside they all is baby tommy. "Daddy? Daddies here!" George runs over to him and picks him up, looking at him. He's...a lot different than he was before. "He's beautiful." You nod. > Dream "its our son george" George walks over to the crib and picks him up. "Yeah, he's definitely our son." "He looks just like you George." "Really? That's great! Hey, Tommy!" > george fatherly kisses tommy on the head. "Oh look, it's daddy and his little angel." He sits on the ground and strokes his son's head. "You are a good boy, yes you are..." > Dream "our son tommy is so beautiful" "So are you...are you hungry sweetie?" "Yeah!" "Alright then, hold on your papa will get you something to eat." You turn to George. > george "dream also likes being called a goodboy" "Yeah, okay..." You leave the room and head to the kitchen. You find it in pretty bad shape. There is no furniture in it, let alone a kitchen. > Dream "youre a bad boy george" You walk over to George, who stands in the kitchen. "I'm a bad boy right?" "Yeah..." You lean in closer to him and whisper "Daddy needs your help getting his spaceship ready." > Dream "im going to eat you" You grab George's hands and force them to your mouth, where you begin biting at them. "No, not that way!" You pull your head back and open your mouth. > Dream vores george. You eat George's hands before he can scream. The bones are chewy and the tendons delicious! You continue to eat, even as he hits you with his fists. > Dream kisses george tenderly. George bites your lip. "Ah! You bad boy!" you exclaim and smack him in the face, knocking him to the floor. You stand over him, smiling. "No, but you're delicious." > george moans. "Ohh, you like that do you?" you smile and sit on top of him. You grind into him and laugh. "Ha ha! Ooh, that feels good, keep doing that..." > Dream bites george playfully. "Heh, you're pretty fun. I think we should have more fun." You bite his lip, and then move to his ear and whisper "Tell me what you desire of me, my love." > Dream "sex" "Oh god, yes! Fuck me, daddy!" You push him off and look at your clothes, which are drenched. "I need to get prepared, then you can eat me." > george "pog" "What's that?" "Um, it's a game." "Oh." You stand up and look for a pack of cigarettes, only to realize you've run out. > Dream "lets play a game of pog" You walk to the living room and look for a pack of pogs. You look under the table, behind the couch, in the fridge and everywhere else, but come up empty. > Dream "you look poggers tonight george"\. > george "pog for me" "I feel poggers tonight, yeah." You look at George and laugh. "You're my pog, baby." "That's good."You grab a pog. "You're on!" You slam the pog down and look at your opponent, who is frozen in place. They're a ghost. > Dream "look out its a ghast" You turn around just in time for the ghost to appear in front of you. They're short and pale, with wild eyes. "Th...thought I killed you." George says, staring at the ghost in confusion. > Dream "ghostbur???" The ghost stares at you, frozen in place. "Ghostbur...." They let out a burst of wind, knocking you back into the wall. "Now, now, no need to be violent." > george "ghostbur ur hot lmao" "What are you on about now, George?" "I said, you're pretty hot." You stare at him for a second, before bursting into laughter. > Dream kisses ghostbur. The ghost leans in, kissing you. "You're pretty tasty yourself, love." You laugh again. > george "i dont want to have sex." "What? Are you serious?" "No, I'm not." You stare at him in confusion. "What?" "I don't want to have sex with you." > Dream "youre pretty pog ghostbur" Then, it explodes. You clutch your eyes, as an incredible pain lances through your skull from the inside. You collapse to the floor, your brain unable to process anymore pain. > george "ghostbur explodes...pretty canon" You slowly open your eyes again, to find that you're no longer blinded. You pull yourself up, and gulp down some air. You stagger out of the room, finding yourself in the foyer. > Dream whispers "im sorry george" "What were you sorry for? You sounded pretty pog in there." "Nothing!" You enter your room, and quickly close the door. "Now, back to what we were doing..." > Dream pushes george onto the floor. > george "pog in the chat?" "Why don't you go kiss your pog?" "You're pretty hot as well." You push him, and he falls onto the floor with a thud."Yeah, George?" "Can I have some pog in the chat?" You pause for a second, trying to think up a way of swindling the pogs from him, but you can't. > Dream takes off netherite armor. "Alright, I'll give you some pogs, but only if you take off that netherite armor you're wearing. I want to see what you look like." "Hell yeah!" > Dream pogs. You pog him, and realize you don't have many pogs left. "You're lucky, get the rest of your pogs from my manor." > george "no more POGGING!!" "That's it, get out!" You grab the armor from him, and shove him out of your room. "Thank you! Please, give me all the pogs you have!" > Dream kisses george before he leaves. "Go enjoy your pogs, George." You close the door, and let out a sigh of relief. > george "a pog for ur troubles sir" You grab the pog, and open your window. As you're throwing it down to the kid, he disappears. You quickly get dressed, and take out your pogs. > Dream slams the door and cries. You put your feet on your desk, and pick up your pogs. You quickly count them, to make sure you have all of them, and throw one in your mouth. "Mmm, pogs." > Dream plays the disc mellohi and cries. > george "dream...are you pissing right now? pissbaby?" You flip through your manor's discman, looking for a song, as you head to one of your book shelves. You pull out one of your favorite novels, and begin to read."Shut up, George." You begin furiously pogging the disc as you cry. After about an hour of pogging, you're left with about four pogs left. You quickly come to a conclusion. > Dream listens to mellohi. You skip the song, and throw the pog out the window. "Go die, you shit!" you shout. You pull out your pistol, and aim it at your head. > george "NO DONT DIE. WE HAVE A FAMILY!! THINK ABOUT OUR SON TOMMY!!" You laugh as you put the gun down. "I don't wanna die yet..." You quickly grab the pog from your mouth, and drop it in the corner. > Dream "im sorry george. I just wanna die" You quickly spin around, still aiming your pistol at your head. "You're not gonna die yet, little ghost boy." George looks down to the floor, and doesn't say anything. > george lights the building on fire "IF I CANT HAVE L'MANBERG NO ONE CAN" "Go right ahead." you say, firing a bullet at the pog. You drop to your knees as the pog is set ablaze, and burst into tears. > Dream "NOOOOO NOT THE FUCKING POG WHY DID YOU DO THAT GEORGE WHY WE HAD A FAMILY. A SON," "Shut up," you say. You close your eyes, and pull the trigger. > george kills dream sensually. You drift off to sleep, and you dream of nothing in particular. You feel a hand on your shoulder, and quickly sit up and point your pistol at it. > Dream bleeds to death. "No, no, no, no, no," George says. You notice the hand is missing, and you drop your pistol. > george "lol pog dream dead now i can sex with sapnap!! pog!!" "Oh, fuck you." You stand up and unbutton your jeans. "In your dreams, pimp." You begin to piss, as George holds his hands up in joy. > george "pimp more like simp lol" "Piss off." "Sure, George. See ya later, dream...I'll be back for you." The man smiles, and leaves. You sit down on your bed and begin crying again. > Dream whispers "i loved you george" before he dies. > george is a crybaby. You cry for a while, until it begins to get dark. You notice the fire in the hearth is gone, and wonder where your pog is.You're positive he can't hear it, but it's there for George to see and hear. "Stop it." You laugh through your tears. "God damn it. I love you, George." > george "this is gay wtf" You wake up in a cold sweat, and notice the fire in the hearth is back. "George?" No answer but the sound of crackling flames and your own breathing. > george is homophobic. You walk slowly to the window, and notice the moon above. You feel a breeze blow through the window, and close it. "What are you doing?" "I don't want to be alone." > Dream "good morning george. did you have a nightmare again" "No. But I sure did wake up sweating heavily." You laugh. "Me too, little ghost. How are you today?" "Come get me out of here!!" > Dream pogs at ghostbur. > george "cum lol" You walk slowly to the ghost's window, and see that it's open. You jump up, and pull yourself through the window. You land perfectly on your feet.You jerk off quickly, and toss the pog aside. You stand up, and begin singing the new songs that keep popping into your head. You find yourself whistling old Three Stooges songs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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