Chapter 11: The Jedi Council

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Marquikise's POV

"Apprentice, you will travel to Coruscant and report the success of this mission." My master instructs. I listen attentively, noticing Dalka is doing the same. "Please report your findings to the council of what you found while on the Separatist ship. This should include the report on the man who hired the Rogue Knight."

While Dalka will not be able to provide a report to the council, she can still serve as a witness. Hopefully any opposition to Dalka's story will see the unbiased truth to her story, knowing that she has been employed on both sides of this conflict. I may feel strongly against Dalka's actions, But I cannot deny that she spared me and is willing to work with me. Perhaps I can return the favor by giving her a chance to prove herself.

"Please take my Eta-Class Shuttle with you as transport to Coruscant. I must keep the cruisers with me for my next mission." He informs, punching a few buttons on the holo-table in front of him.

The ETA-Class Shuttle flickers into the blue and translucent image projected above the table. It's shape is like a bird, two wings folding out and a single, fixed wing extending virtually from the main body. It's cockpit is like a glass head that is extended from the body in a forward position on the craft. The two folding wings host a single fixed cannon near the arm connecting the wing to the body. From my experience, these ships are typically painted a fire red color like many other Republic ships used by diplomats and Jedi.

"Yes Master." I bow, ready to exit.

"Wait Padawan." My master stops me. "I do believe you owe your new friend a few items that were destroyed in the last battle."

Nodding, I turn to Dalka, who is unconsciously holding her bare arms where her gauntlets used to be. The shear heat must have also burned away the protective material below because she now has her sleeves rolled up above her elbow. I motion us onward. She follows as I make my way to the waiting shuttle. Other than a few short statements, we exchange little in the way of conversation before we take off. Most likely we are both preparing to face the Jedi Council. My relationship with a few council members is great but most are at the very least distance themselves from me. Master Mace Windu is the one who truly dislikes my presence. Almost from the very moment that I very first stepped foot in the Jedi Temple, he disliked me. Thankfully I've not had the pleasure of learning from him but as of recently he has been heading the war effort. While Master Yoda directs the Jedi on where they should go, Master Windu leads the main war strategy with the help of a few key military leaders.

"Engines are hot, we're ready to go." Dalka states from the cockpit. I stride up to through the cabin and take a seat in the co-pilot's seat.

"I'm ready" I say as I strap myself into the seat. We take off smoothly and fly into open space, Dalka starts the computers on the hyperspace calculations.

"I heard the Captain say that your droid is loaded into the shuttle." She informs me.

"Good, I'll have the technicians at the temple look at him." I reply, staring at the vast galaxy. Award silence returns while we wait.

A beeping sounds from the computer letting us know that we are ready to jump into hyperspace. Dalka angles the ship before setting the ship to lock on the coordinates and she engages the hyperdrive. Launching into hyperspace, the steaks of light steak across the glass until they become beams of light. Each time I see it, I am reminded of my first space flight with my mother. We were in a sleek shuttle not unlike this one, going to one of my father's parties on a core planet. That was the last time I flew with her, my father banned us from going on future trips.

"So, you know about the gauntlets?" I hear Dalka start. "I won't need them, I've been trying to get away from armor. It's been slowing me down."

"No, I destroyed something of yours. The least I can do is replace it." Sitting back in my seat, I try to close my eyes.

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