Chapter 12: Coruscant's Lower Shops

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Marquikise's POV

Dalka and I descend in a beat up speeder that sounds like it's on its last legs. The levels of Coruscant become more dark, sketchy and trashed as we descend. I can't shake the tingle running down my back, reminding me that we are in a less than friendly area. The citizens I see match their surroundings, grim expressions and worn out bodies. My fresh outfit makes me stand out, thankfully less than if I had been wearing Jedi robes. I'll need to thank Dalka for that. It is now that I can truly see why some in the Galaxy are rebelling. Conditions like these might cause many to wish for a new and better life. Perhaps that is part of the reason Dalka brought me to this area of Coruscant.

Dalka brings our speeder to a landing space and the speeder drops to the ground. Unable to support itself while parked, it rests on the ground. Dalka swings herself out of her seat and starts down the walkway the landed on. I follow, leaving little more than a stride between us. Between her and I, I'm confident that any resistance would be quickly stopped. She is carrying her twin blaster pistols, a blaster rifle, a few vibro-blade knives tucked in her boots and my lightsaber stowed in her belt. Due to my vulnerable appearance, I wish no conflict to arise due to my distance from her more intimidating appearance. Surely less than a few would start a fight with a heavily armed Mandalorian warrior.

Our short walk bring us to an opening to a building, matching the uniform color down this strip of buildings. Only the hand written sign hung above the door gave away its use. 'Blasters, armor and more,' it reads in crude Galactic Basic. Raising an eyebrow to Dalka before entering.

The small room is cluttered from floor to ceiling with items ranging from armor to blaster rifles. The strangely assorted mess came to a brief stoping point where the single clerk behind the register waits. I do not recognize the species behind its breathing mask but it's burly build and mean red eyes gave a subtle warning to any shoplifter. A brief laugh echoes through this creature's mask.

"Dalka, welcome back." He greets eagerly. "It's been too long, how have you been?"

He vaults over the counter and in two strides, closes the gap and grasps her outstretched arm. His stature seems to have grown, now that he is standing. The two meter tall and wide shouldered man towers over both her and I.

"I'm moving around the galaxy these days." Dalka replies in an enthusiastic tone. "Got a few more bruises and scrapes but, I've managed to keep hunting."

He lets out a muffled and low chuckle. "Good to hear, what brings you in today?"

"A lousy fight cost me my gauntlets and this scrapper is buying for me." She punches me in the arm with a sudden ferocity.

"Don't worry, I have a spare already stowed away for you. It's no Mandalorian armor but it will do." He pulls a package from behind the counter. "No need for your friend to loose his credits on this one. It's on the house for your last job."

He looks me up and down, before turning back to Dalka.

"He looks fresh, doesn't he at least need a blaster for being with you?" He rummages through the store and finds a powerful blaster pistol. It appears to be an old blaster modified to accept standard blaster pistol magazines. "Here, it's the very least that I can do. You carry this at all times around your friend Dalka, she can get into some nasty situations."

He thrusts the blaster into my hands without warning. "Sir, this is great but-"

I feel the burning gaze of someone on me. My head tips to the side and I meet Dalka's strict look. 'Take it!' Her voice seems to echo in my mind.

"Thank you, this will be great." I stammer, going against the Jedi teachings of using lightsabers only.

"No problem, only twenty credits for that one. I know it's old but it works great." He states. I pull the credits from my pocket and hand them over. "Your friend is awful jittery, Dalka. Where did you find him?"

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