I'm In Love With An E-girl

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Wilbur woke up, he hastily checked the time. 2:45pm, ugh. He sat up and grabbed his phone from the table beside his bed. As he was looking around the room he noticed an empty can of red bull on his bedside table. He pulled off the sheets and snatched the can and put it in the trash. He heard his phone buzz.

Girl Who Is My Friend (Jade)

Hey Wil
How has ur day been so far?


Just woke up
How about you?

I'm hanging out with Jared

OOOH jared?

Yeah, I think you've met him
before, at a party or something


Shut up dude
Well I have to go sorry :/

It's fine, see you later!

Wilbur laughed slightly, and decided to get ready for the day. He entered the bathroom, and discovered the shampoo bottle was near empty. Oh well.
He got into the shower. As he was conditioning his hair he stared thinking. Jade is my best friend, but could we be more? When I imagine myself with someone I always imagine myself with her. Maybe I do have feelings for her? He forced himself to come to this conclusion, he did like her.
When he was finished he blow-dried his hair and went to his closet. Eventually he pulled out a yellow sweater and a red beanie, with blue jeans.

He entered his kitchen and desperately searched the kitchen for something to eat. The cupboards were pretty much bare except for some instant noodles. He started boiling water to cook the noodles. He was scrolling through tik tok while he waited for his meal.

He dishes out his noodles and took a bite, then regretted it.
"Ow fuck, hot!" The man yelped, and quickly took a drink of water. He blew on his noodles impatiently tasting them until the temperature was correct. Soon, the ramen was gone and Wilbur was satisfied. He heard a soft ring, and pulled his phone out of his pocket.


Wilbur answered the call, turning down his volume. When Tommy called him he was usually very loud or angry, or both.

"Hey Wilbur what's up brov," Tommy greeted, a little bit quieter than he usually was.

"Tommy why are you calling me in the middle of the day,"

"Because I'm boooored,"

"Well why are you calling me?"

"I don't fucking know, I was bored and you were on my contact list,"

"Well go bug someone else,"

"Fine, well thanks for nothing Wil,"

"Your welcome,"

"Fuck you,"

The call ended and Wilbur laughed, Tommy could be so immature sometimes. Wilbur decided to go to Jade's house and see if he could get food from her, he wondered if he shouldn't go because Jared might be there still, but he went anyway.

He clicked shuffle on his playlist and the song Why Do You Only Call Me When Your High - The Arctic Monkeys came on. The song filled the car and Wilbur couldn't help but sing quietly along. He pulled in the driveway and noticed Jade's car was in the driveway, which meant she was probably home.

He strode up to the door and knocked. The door opened and Jade stood there.

"Hey Wil what are you doing here?" She asked, looking at his car in the driveway.

"I came to get food, I'm pretty much out," He scratched the back of his neck.

"Geez Wilbur you need to make food for yourself," She let him in and motioned for him to sit on the couch. He stared at her as she left to go to the kitchen, and he smiled to himself, she was so beautiful.

He was still walking backwards when he tripped.

Wilbur X JaredWhere stories live. Discover now