Internet Ruined Me

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     He was still walking backwards when he tripped.

     Wilbur was suddenly on the floor. He looked at the place he tripped and saw a shoe on the floor. He felt a pair of eyes on him. It was Jared. Wilbur looked back at him. Jared was beautiful. Dark fluffy hair, clear blue eyes, and soft look of concern on his face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine" Jared held out his hand for Wilbur. He grabbed it and got back up. Jared bent down and grabbed his shoe.
"Sorry I shouldn't have put my shoe there,"
"Eh it's okay, don't sweat it,"
Jared turned away and sat on the couch. Wilbur sat beside him. They sat in silence, a comfortable silence. He was looking at the man beside him admiring his beauty. Jared looked over and Wil quickly looked away. Jared began a conversation and Wilbur found it surprisingly easy to talk to him.

      When Jade came back in with food for Wilbur she entered the living room to the sound of laughter. Jared was laughing at a joke Wilbur had apparently made. She stood behind Jared and joined the convention. Wilbur excused himself to go to the washroom when he saw Jade's phone on the table, with a notification, he was going to give the phone to her. But then he remembered her password. He got into her phone and went to the contact list. He scrolled down until he found Jared, then he pulled out his own phone and typed in the number and saved it.

      He put down Jade's phone and went quickly to the washroom. He would text Jared later. He went back to the living room and the group of three talked for awhile. Wilbur had to do some recordings for his channel so he had to leave Jade's house. It was now raining outside. Wilbur pulled up his hood and got into his car. He inserted the keys and pulled out of the driveway. He had to turn on the windshield wipers to keep the rain off.

      He pulled into his own driveway and ran into the porch. He shook his head to get the water out of his hair. He threw his keys onto the table and started putting away the food. He dropped a can and flinched at the noise. He put it back carefully.
       After he was finished he did some recording and then lay down in his  bed. He suddenly remembered he had saved Jared's number to his phone. He texted him.

                                   Hello this is Wilbur

Hey Wilbur! Good to
hear from you. But
how did you get my

                                       Jade gave it to me                      
                           when I was over earlier

Did Wilbur feel bad for lying? Honestly not really.


Oh okay!
Well how has your
night been?

                                 It's been pretty good!

        Wilbur and Jared talked for what only seemed like 30 minutes but when he checked the time it was 3:46am. He yawned and said goodbye to Jared and went to sleep. A/n: Hello the dream will be in italic. He woke up and Jared was beside him. He looked so peaceful, sleeping. Wilbur planted a small kiss on his cheek. Jared shifted a bit and Wilbur's heart sped up. Jared didn't wake up, luckily. Wilbur stood up and got dressed in the bathroom. He came back and Jared was awake. Jared looked at Wilbur and walked over to him. He woke up.

        Wilbur looked at his phone 9:30am. Not too bad, he thought to himself. He woke up to a text from Jared.



      Wilbur answered with a simple "Hello" and then got up to make food. He ate his food and Jared had answered his message they messaged back and forth a bit then Wilbur suggested they call.
        They talked all morning and then Jared invited Wilbur to dinner. "But what about Jade? Will this be like a date?"
"Jade doesn't have to know, and if you are okay with it then yeah?"
"Okay, so, it's a date!"
"See you then," 

     Wilbur had a date.

Wilbur X JaredWhere stories live. Discover now