the 2nd task (chapter 10)

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(Harry's pov)

Me walked with Neville and Ron on our way the the 2nd task. Neville held his hand out for me to take the gillyweed that layed in it.

"You're sure about this, Neville?" I asked, taking the slimy substance into my hand.

"Absolutely." He answered.

"For an hour?"

"Most likely."

"Most likely?" Ron asked.

"Well, there is some debate among herbologists as the effects of fresh water versus salt water, but--"

"You're telling me this now?" I asked through gritted teeth. "You must be joking."

"I-I just wanted to help." He admitted sheepishly.

"Well, it makes you a right sight better than y/n and Hermione. Where are they, anyway?" I asked, looking around for any sight of them.

"You seem a little tense, Harry." Neville observed.

"Do I?" I asked, sarcastically.

We made our way to the docks, and boarded a boat that took us to the the middle, large stand that held a fraction of the students.

"Welcome to the second task." Dumbledore announced. "Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win, each champion need only to find their treasure and to return to the surface. Simple enough--"

"Put that in your mouth, boy." Moody barked at me. I put the gillyweed into my mouth, and was washed over with a foul and bitter taste, making me gag.

"-- except for this; they will have but one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own. No magic will save them."

Moody must've noticed my gagging because he thumped me on my back.

"You may begin at the sound of the cannon." At that, I heard the cannon go off. The three others dove into the lake, but I was groaning in pain, feeling sharp sensations at my neck.

Moody pushed me into the cold water. I sunk down, putting pressure on my neck in attempt to make the pain go away. I felt something forming in n my neck and went to touch it. It felt like slits in my neck. They were gills. I raised my hands to my face, and noticed that my fingers were no webbed. I swam to the surface of the water, and jumped out and did a backflip in the air.

"Yeah!!" I yelled, as I came crashing back into the water.

I swam up to an underwater ravine, and went down into it. I soon came up to a field of long, green seaweed, and heard that same angeletic humming. I followed it through the patch of weeds until I came up to several large rock pillars.

I saw four floating people in front of them, and quickly swam up to them. I saw a little, blonde girl who looked like a mini Fleur, Cho, Hermione, and y/n.

Ok, the little girl is Fleurs, Cho is Cedrics, Hermione is Krums, and y/n is mine...

I swam up to y/n and cupped her face. She looked dead. That was a sight I would never want to see.

I flipped down to the rope bounded at her ankle, and started to untie it.

I heard merpeople shriek, and I looked over to see Cedric swimming up to us. I quickly untied her, and saw that Cedric shot a spell, cutting through Cho's rope.

He swam up to her, and took her by the arm. He looked at me and tapped his wand on his wrist watch. I nodded. I took out my wand, and was about to shoot a spell at Hermione's rope, but was stopped by a merpeople surrounding me with tridants, one poking at my throat.

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