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Wednesday, 12:34 p.m.

A group of boys in boy's changing room were done playing soccer as usual after school. Their jersey and forehead become sweaty.

After putting on a new and clean cloth, Sungchan greet goodbye to his team and headed toward school's yard to find some fresh air.

Little did he know someone was following him..

" Bo- "

" I saw you, Jisung "

Jisung fluster and rubbed the back of his head. " H- how..? "

Sungchan smirk then turn around facing Jisung. He pointed to the small bell on Jisung's bag zip. " You know the bell that Chenle give to you have sound right? Even if it slow, I still can hear it "

Jisung facepalmed himself then laugh. Sungchan has a really good hearing.

He ignored him and look straight back, and that's right when a girl passed by and sit under a tree not too far them. Sungchan eyes seems like it glued to her.

Jisung become suspicious, " do you like Bo Mi? " Sungchan surprised by his question.

" Who? The girl? Her name is Bo Mi? Is she a new student? "

Jisung chuckled, " Boy, I think you really never interested in girls. She's girl next class and have the same surname as you. Jung Bo Mi "

Sungchan's mouth formed in 'O' shape.

" Try her, " Park Jisung suddenly suggested made the boy taken aback.  " Try what? You think she is a cloth? "

Jisung giggled, " No, if you interested in her.. Why don't you try? Maybe if she have the same feeling as you, you will know how amazing love is.. " He dramatically make his hand move and soften his voice to the word 'love'.

" Jisung-ya, you're the youngest among us. Where did you learn all this cringy stuff? "

" Movie, " Sungchan rolled his eyes.

" Aigoo, just try her. If you succeed I will let you be captain for a week " (Jisung is team's captain).

" But- " Sungchan get pushed by Jisung who was younger than him.

Right infront of the girl, he froze.

'She's pretty'

Bo Mi stopped drawing and look right at Sungchan. " Yes? " She politely ask and smile.

" Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass by again? " Don't know where he got the urge to say all those word in one go without any mistake and stutter.

Her smile slowly goes down and continue to draw, doesn't pay attention at all. " Sorry, try harder next time "

Sungchan embarassed, apologizing before walk toward Jisung who look away because of akwardness. " Thanks for embarassing me, Jisung Pwark "

" What did she say? "

" Try harder next time "

Jisung smile, " Hyung... You know girl's weakness right? " he tapped on Sungchan's shoulder so he can pay attention to him.

Sungchan looking confuse, then Jisung whispered something to his ear.

Make both of the boys smile after...

Jealous ; Jung SungchanWhere stories live. Discover now