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" Crazy! " Bo Mi shout when she running toward the back of school's building. No one was there and it's so quiet.

Bo Mi sat there with his back leaning againts the wall. Both of her arm wrap her leg.

Then her thought suddenly went to what happen yesterday, when Sungchan approached her.

" Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass by again? "

BoMi's heart pumping hard. No in any way that this happen!

Yeah, FYI Bo Mi actually interested in Sungchan for a long time. But she doesn't consider it as 'crush'. She just found Sungchan is very attractive. Besides, no one even her bestfriends know this.

Before she can reply, suddenly her subsconcious mind interrupt.

' Why in the world good looking guy like him who never interested in girl (in date stuff) talk to you? You also knew that Sungchan never notice your existence.

Besides, when you walk passed them just now, Sungchan was with other guy. What if this all was just a prank?

What if you bring your emotion along and then both of them laughing on how naive you are thinking a guy like Sungchan interested in a girl like you ? '

Slowly Bo Mi's smile went down. She's right, " sorry, try harder next time "

" You jealous? " he asked with wide smile.

Yes. " Yes, I am. I am jealous. I like you, I hate myself to have this feeling. I'm so stupid! "

" Yes, you are a little stupid, " suddenly a male voice appeared, very close. Like it's next to her.

Bo Mi shook that she suddenly stand up and both of their head bumped into each other.

" Ow ! ", they both cried while rubbing their forehead.

" Why did you stand up with force? "

" And why did you stand there "

They try to hold the pain for a second before eyes meeting each other then quickly look away.


" I- I'm sorry... " Bo Mi apologized first.

" No, I should be sorry for everything.. And thanks for confessing " he give a smile.

Bo Mi's ear suddenly went red. " You heard what I just said? "

Sungchan nod, " iyup. Now I like you, you like me too so we're couple now? "

The girl suddenly step backward. " Since when did I agree?! "

" Since you confessed, honey. "

" Crazy! "

" Crazy for you, I am. "

He's really crazy, since when did Sungchan start acting like this?

" I- I will head back to class.. " Bo Mi try to find an excuse but Sungchan quickly grab her hand. " No, Bo Mi. Listen to me for a minute please.. "

Bo Mi had no choice, she better listen to whatever Sungchan want to tell so it will end soon. " I'm listening "

" Can I change something in you? " Sungchan suddenly asked.

" What is it? " Bo Mi quickly look herself incase she doesn't look good.

" Your surname " he said in romantic voice.

" Pabo! My name is Jung too " Bo Mi pretend to be hurt and run from Sungchan.

" Wait, babe! I was kidding! "

" I'm hurt, sweetheart... " she become playful and blow a kiss to Sungchan and now she seriously running to her class.

The boy froze, then he turned. Giving thumbs up to someone who was hiding behind a wall.

He saw everything that happen and satisfy smile fill his face. Jisung return it with a hand-wave.


Ngl, the story line sounds greater in my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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