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Hela's POV
We were all ecstatic for our family trip! We haven't spent quality time together in FOREVER! It will be nice to have mother AND father be with us for a few days.
I am well aware that father has a lot of responsibility as King, but we all still miss him. We plan to make every moment count.
Everyone made it to the forest and started setting up camp. Thor and the boys were setting up traps (although it was mostly Fenris purposely sabotaging Thor's traps when he wasn't looking) and the girls were setting up the tents with Loki.
Once the tents were up, Thor continued to struggle on trying to figure out why his trap won't stay intact. He had his boys help him, his pride decreasing little by little.

Back at the tent, Loki was braiding the girls' hair and they chatted while doing so.

"Mommy, are you gonna have another baby?" Thrud asked out of the blue.

Loki froze. "What?"

Hela scoffed. "Don't be silly Thrud. Momma isn't having A baby, he is having babies."

Loki chuckled nervously as he finished tying off Thrud's hair.
"N-now girls, where did you get that idea?"

"What idea?" Thor asked. He and the boys were finally done setting up the traps. He was exhausted and was drinking some water he got from the lake nearby.

"The idea of having more royal babes." Hela answered in a deadpan voice.

Thor choked and spit out his water in shock, having a coughing fit as his children chuckled.

"Um...what?" He asked when he finally calmed down.

Fenris sighed and explained to him as if he was the parent explaining to a teenage boy where babies came from.
"Ok, as the first born, I have witnessed the rest of the little monsters be born. I know by now that every time I hear your 'love making' a baby is usually on its way."

Thor and Loki blushed. They thought to themselves how they really needed to work on their...level of lovemaking passion. Thor chuckled and broke the silence.

"Well...I guess there is a chance of another Asgardian prince or princess-"

"Or both." Hela added.

"Or...both...but either way, we will love you all equally." Thor assured them.

"We know daddy." Thrud smiled.

"Well, duh. Who wouldn't love us?" Hela asked in a joking manner. "All I need is for momma and papa to know that having more than one babe will work out GREAT...for me anyways."

Thor and Loki looked at her confused.

"What are you talking about?" Loki asked her.

Hela shrugged. "It will help me win the bet."

"Bet? What bet?" Thor asked.

"We made a bet on what the next baby will be." Sleipner explained.

"Oh?" Loki was now amused. And curious. "Tell me more about this bet."

"Well," Jōrmungandr started. "Fenris and Thrud bet that it will be a boy, Sleipner and I say girl, and Hela only says it will be more than one."

"And what will the winner get?" Thor asked smiling, also amused of the things his children come up with.

"The winner gets to tell the others what to do for a whole day, and the losers can't say no." Hela answered.

"Only a day?" Loki asked. "Well now, I think we can do better than that." He smirked.

The children smirked as well, and Thor became nervous. Don't get him wrong, he loves his family dearly. But when they all start behaving mischievous like their mother...things can get interesting.

"What do you have in mind, momma dear?" Hela asked in a fake innocent voice she used when she wanted to get into trouble.

"The losers will also have baby duty for a whole month. That means bathing the baby, changing the diapers, babysitting, and helping feed them." Loki answered, raising a brow at the children, as if pushing to see how much they can take.

With some thought, they came to an agreement.

"DEAL!" They all shouted in unison. They all then looked at Thor to hear his say in it.

He simply shrugged and chuckled. "As long as it means no diapers for me, go ahead."

"Wonderful! Now then, how about we do some real hunting?" Loki asked them.

The kids started cheering and grabbed their bows and daggers and ran off to the forest.

"Passionate hunters, just like their father." Thor said proudly.

Loki chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. "Now let's go after them before they make every single animal here go extinct."

Thor laughed and nodded.

Hand in hand, they headed towards the direction their precious troublemakers headed in. They are going to have so much fun!

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