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Thrud's POV
At the end of the day, I decided to head to the library. I've been working too hard, and I felt like I needed some time to relax.
I wandered through the isles for a while, trying to find a book that sparked my interest.
It took a while, but I somehow ended up in the section filled with spell books. I have never looked at them, and figured that it wouldn't do me any harm. One in particular caught my eye. It seemed to have been sticking out more than the others. Like it hasn't been properly put away.
I take it out fully from the shelf, and skimmed through a couple of pages.
A chill ran through my spine as I read the names and descriptions inside. This was a book of dark magic.
As I continued flipping through the pages, a single page fell out. It surprised me when I realized that it was ripped out from the book. It was full of wrinkles, and the tear was jagged, so it seemed like it was ripped out in a hurry. I picked it up from the ground and read through it.

Blood Lust Potion
A potion of dark magic used to convert the victim into a blood thirsty savage. True colors of the dark minds would be revealed.

Use with caution...

Venom of a black cobra
Dead black widow spider
Blood of victim's target
Petal of a petunia
Petal of a chrysanthemum

...Now this is interesting. I stared at the piece of paper for a while before carefully folding it up. I returned the book back on the shelf and walked away.
i sat in my room with the spell page. Showing this to mother and father wouldn't be enough proof that Sif was the one who took it to use it.
I sighed in annoyance when I heard a knock on my door.

"Enter." I called out. A nice maid came in with a goblet.

"Oh, I didn't ask for a drink " I told her with a smile.

"I know, princess. But Lady Sif wanted me to gift this to you. She said she was so proud of you for learning the skills in fighting."

A drink from Sif. Really? She doesn't give up, does she?

I take the drink with a forced smile and thanked her.

When she left, I placed the drink on my bedside table. I stared at it for a moment longer before picking up the Blood Lust page from my bed.

I have to prove what Sif has done. My siblings deserve it, mother deserves it, father deserves it, and Sif....deserves to rot in hell...

".....wait a minute...."
Hela's POV
I stared in horror at my brother's beastly form.

"Fenris? My queen, what are you talking about?" Vemund asked.

"He is my brother!" I replied frantically as I desperately tried to remove the chains. So far, my efforts were in vain. The chains all heavy and tight against him.

"HELP ME!" I cried out desperately as tears formed in my eyes.

Fenris began to whimper. The chains are hurting him.

"My Queen, calm down!" Runa cried put as she tried prying me away.


I punched the cave wall, the jagged rock cutting into my skin, blood trickling down.

Fenris shook in his chains, clearly panicking when he saw blood. I fell to my knees and started silently sobbing.
A strange sensation ran through my body.
I need to go back.
I have to.
I need to get to Hela somehow. She knows something. I just know she does. If I know my sister, while she is...vicious, she always acts with reason. There is no way she would've just act out like that with no warning.

As for Sleipner, Fenris, and myself....Sif did something. Before our transformation, she gave us something. It tasted horrible.

She has been picking us off one by one.

Hela, Fenris, Sleipner, me.....thrud....THRUD!

She is still safe! She has to be! Sif hasn't gotten to her yet! Thrud isn't one to battle, she is much too gentle for that kind of stuff. But she is definitely wise. I just know she is coming up with a plan to expose Sif right now. As for me, I have to get to the others and bring them back.

I started swimming up to the surface. I had to get to land somehow...I just have to...calm down.

Take deep breaths....
..........I can't breath.

I look at my hands and I see that I turned back...but...I'm still underwater.


I quickly began swimming upwards. My chest was starting to hurt and my eyes were burning from the salt water. But I can't stop.

I kept going up and up until finally I got some air.

I began coughing and hacking up water. Once I caught my breath, I began looking around my surroundings. It was night, so it was dark, but in the distance, I could barely manage to make out a mountain. It's a bit of a swim, but I can manage it. Hopefully I can rest there until I regain my strength to find the others and go home.
I dragged myself to shore and I stood myself up. Looking up at the mountain, there was a cave. I could hide in there until morning. Who knows what else is here.

I took a few deep breaths and began climbing.

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