Part 14

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"Elise! We forgot to mention it to you but today is our Annual Game Night" Elise heard Pansy from across their dormitory


"Well to be honest I don't know why we call it an annual. We usually play games at least once a month, but anyway not the point, do you have any suggestions on what we can play?"

"Let's play Truth or Dare" came Daphne's voice while she painted her nails with her aspen wand

"No, we played that last week Daph"

"Have you guys heard of Poker?" Elise asked. Although Poker was a muggle game, it was one of her favorite games to play when she went out with Sophie. Yes, she wasn't a huge fan of muggles but whenever they wanted an escape from subdued life, Sophie would sometimes take her to random places and have fun with strangers in the muggle world. You could say it was an escape from reality. It didn't happen too often but when it did, oh how much fun they would have. Las Vegas being one of them.

They would go out get drunk, party with strangers, and pretend to be other people.

Poker was one of her favorites. It was a game revolved around masking yourself and lying.

She connected the game to life, you would have to be cunning and ambitious to succeed in life, just like in the game Poker 

"No I haven't, don't tell me it's a muggle game" Pansy said with disgust written on her face

"It is, but trust me on this, it's fun you guys will love it"

After an hour of stating evidence of why Poker isn't a bad game, they decided to give in


All the 6th year Slytherins had agreed to play this exotic game due to their accumulated boredom they had obtained from their archetypal game nights.

They had conjured a long mahogany wood table in the common room with the poker setup on top. The only source of light being the fireplace and a stray of moonlight shining off the green lake. There were different liquors spread around the table.

There on the table sat Elise, Pansy, Daphne, Millicent, and Tracey. Across them sat Draco, Blaise, Theo, Vincent, and Gregory. They had Marcus as the dealer.

Unequivocally, the boys wouldn't agree to play a filthy muggle game but Theo insinuated to play with magical cards rather than a plain deck. It was practically the same concept except these cards would fly and float to the players.

After two drinks, the booze kicked in and the games began. 

The cards fluttered to the players and they started placing their bets. Theo being the assertive bloke he is, bet all his blinds whilst Draco and Blaise played deliberately. Greg and Vincent were there just to be there, they didn't even really comprehend the instructions even though Elise had explained it numerous times.

Millicent and Tracey were mostly there with the intentions of a hookup afterward and Daphne wanted to prove that she did in fact have a brain that was used not only for fashion and makeup. Pansy, on the other hand, did find interest in how the game worked just like Elise. They came to win just like Draco and Blaise.

"So, what does the winner get?" Theo queried whilst 'sneakily' looking at his sad cards.

'100 galleons' Blaise answered

Draco looked at his set of cards, quirked an inquisitive eyebrow and said "Make it  500"


And so the game went on.

During the game, alcohol was getting splattered everywhere, they sang to song lyrics between bets and raises, drunk Theo even at one point tried to kiss Blaise to steal a glance of his deck but his red hand stained cheek was evident it hadn't worked.

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