Part 30

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I hate you, I love you.

The same denotation, same connotation.

What was the difference between the same three words, the same eight letter. It had the same implication, the same tone, and the same explication.

The juxtaposition was frolicking a minacious tournament in Draco's mind, a treacherous torment that tortured him.

He closed his eyes and escaped to a zenith, recalling how he had become a jester. A foolish jester who had fortuitously fallen in love.

But that's how the heart is. Stubborn and foolish.

It was the after party of the masquerade ball, if one can even call it that.

Faded Slytherins, opened bottles, clothes separated, games shuffled, and asundered allure.

The night carried on with unsteady feelings flowing freely in the air.

Taking another sip of her black bombarda Bacardi, Elise crunched her shattered heart into an entity and danced until the end of love.

At least tried to.

She spun around with her fluffy dress and mordaciously held her mask up. Whirling and twirling her body within the melody.

She spun with Pansy then ended up with Daphne, it was chaotic however she adored it.

Everything was blurring together, all she could see was colors through tears. But she smiled. Throwing her head up and becoming a single matter of dust among the blustery wind; blending in and camouflaging.

As if the Fall ceased and Winter took over, Draco got up from his seat as he drank his fire whiskey to an empty cup.

He approached Elise without a thought in his mind and grabbed her hand. Dragging her whilst ignoring her incrediouses.

They ended up in his room.

"What do you think you are doing" He finally heard her wry voice as the crowd noises lessened.

"Just shut the fuck up"

"Okayy?" She huffed with confusion, giving up with his bitter coldness.

"I hate you"

"Yeah I kind of got that, and you know I just hat-"

Her words were left hanging in the air as he silenced her with a shy kiss.

He slowly pulled away as he kept his eyes on her luscious lips.

He looked up at her honey-glazed eyes and continued, "I hate you because" He opened his mouth but then closed it. It was as if a million thoughts scurried in his brain, so much to say yet his words were trapped beneath his tongue.

"Because you drive me crazy"

"Because you make me want to be good for you, you cause a sensation which I'm not used to." He elevated his hands and slid them through his hair with exasperation.

An infatuation that was foreign.

"I adore you"

"I adore all of you, all your snarky remarks, the way you try to act like you're invulnerable, your sarcasm, your cunning eventualities, your valiant, the way you try to perfect everything even if it may be impossible" He explained with gestures of his hands.

"The way you twirl that rusty pencil of yours when you concentrate so hard on a problem, the way you bite that lips of yours when something goes the way you initiated." He scoffed with a smile as he reminisced her sweet beauty.

"I want you, I want to be around you, I want every part of you, I want everything about you."

"I want you"

"But I hate you"


"I'm in love with you"

The saddened tears in her eyes bloomed into a content one. swaying off her face into the humid air that reduced between them.

Two hearts pulsing, synchronizing within each other as if enchanted

Enchanted within each other. Her eyes were fire in water and passion in ice. How did they appear so close to each other, when were those steps taken?

He grabbed her chin and lifted her head so she looked directly at him.

There was this pressure in his heart, one he hadn't felt before. This force in his stomach, felt as if he was suffocating within warmth.

Another kiss was shared between the two. She brought her hands to his face and cupped his rose tinted cheeks. "I'm in love with you too"

He smiled

Her heart couldn't resist anymore, no matter how hard she tried to restrain herself.

No matter how many chains she put up against her heart, it still broke through.

Just like his.

As they were about to kiss once more, screams were heard from the common room. Unpleasant screams that weren't just from the enjoyment of the party. They were horror screams.

They pulled away from each other, his eyes wide open and cautious. He looked to the mahagony door that was creaked open and clenched his jaw. He took out his hawthorn wand in seconds and held onto Elise as if she would be stolen.

"What's happening Draco?" She asked frightened as he got her wand out. She tangled her other hand with his, squeezing it tight.

The lights were prancing and a roar of a thunderstorm was heard. The air transfigured into a frigid one. It was as if the world twirled into a tornado.

He then saw Theo sliding into the door frame then out, probably from the fast pace he ran in. He looked out of breath, pale, and anxious. He caught his breath and looked up at them with dread in his eyes. The brown eyes that once sparkled subdued, and his tranquilizing voice came out as a rowdy one when he emitted, "Draco!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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